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TBasic for Dummies
Lesson 1

    Welcome to the Tbasic for Dummies Tutorial. I, JJ, will be your host on this trip threw the TI-82. By the end of this tutorial you will be able to make games, programs, and just about anything else for your TI-82. Well let's get started. The first thing you will want to do before you start programming is to turn the calculator ON. Without this first baby-step, you will get no where.

    Once you turn the calculator on you will need to open the edior and create a program. Hit the PRGM (program) button and then hit right twice. This will bring up the Create New function. Hit enter and you will be given a chance to name your program.  After you have given your program a name you will be brought to the editor. This is where you will be able to edit your programs now and in the future.

    Now to get started into actually coding. The first program we will make is what I like to call "count". It uses the 3 most basic commands, GOTO, LBL, AND DISP. Here is what the program looks like if you would like to try it out for yourself.

:LBL 1

    Oh, one thing that will matter threwout this tutorial will be the ->. For those of you who don't relize it, it is the STO-> key on your calculator. Also, to access the commands LBL and GOTO and DISP hit the prgm key and a new menu will appear with 3 lists of all the commands. List one has LBL and GOTO. list 2 has DISP.

    Now lets break this down. The first command is LBL. LBL is short for LABEL. As you have probably guessed by now the LBL  command goes with the GOTO command. Here's how it works. Goto jumps to the Label with the same name (I.E. 1).
So. GOTO 1 will take you to LBL 1, or GOTO A will take you to LBL A. If there is no LBL to match the goto you will get an error. Pretty simple right? good!

    The Next thing is the DISP command. The DISP command has many features. By itself it will show the Display. With a variable after DISP it will show the variable on the screen. With a "and some text", it will show the text in the quotes. Along with the DISP command there is also DISPGRAPH (which shows current the graph) and DISPTABLE (which shows the current table). So in our count program it keeps showing the variable A.

    The last thing is the store command. This command is what you will probably use the most. It is used to store things to variables. So everytime the program loops in count A gets 1 more added to it. In all this program really does is it keeps showing the next number over and over again... (not much fun but if you stare at it long enough it because hypnotizing!)

1. What does the DISPTABLE command do?
A: Shows the Graph
B: Shows the Table
C: Clears the Table
D: Blows up your Calculator

2.If you wanted to show the variable D what would you put in?

3. Does the Count Program ever end?
A: Yes at 9999999999 er 99
B: No
C: How should I know?

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