TBasic for Dummies
Lesson 5 |
There are 6 lists on the TI-82. Each one can
hold 99 values. You store to them just like letters... First the number,
then the store key, then the list. So it would look like this....
5->L1(1) or 6->L1(5)
You can choose which slot you want to save it to by entering the number next to the list. You can also store multiple variables to lists at once like this...
Doing that would make L1(1) equal to 1, L1(2) equal to 234, ect. There are a few more things you can do with lists if you read chapter 11 of your manual.
Matrix or Matrices:
Matrices are basically 2D arrays. The TI-82 has
5 different matrices to work with. They have an X and a Y value. Much like
lists they can hold multiple variables. To store a value to a certain part
of the matrix you put a line in like this...
The [A] is the name of the Matrix. The (2,3) is the spot where the number is being saved. You can also store multiple numbers to a matrix at once like this...
If you do it like that each [] is a row in the list. So in the above example [1,1] would equal 1 and [2,2] would equal 512. Both Matrices and Lists are hard for me to explain to you easily. The best way to learn how to use them is to read the Chapters 10 & 11 of your calculator manual.
There will be no quiz on this lesson... (sorry)
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