WherzWaldo's TI-86
ASM Guide
David J. Waldo
Before you start to program ASM, you will need the following
1. A standard text editor (i.e. DOS E editor)
It is best to not use a word processor. A word processor puts
special formatting on text, and that will be a pain when
compiling your program. And I do not recommend using Windows
Notepad for very long, complex programs, as it can't open files
bigger than about 20k. However, for your first ASM program,
Notepad would be fine.
2. ASM86 by Alan Bailey; includes ASM86 (ROM calls) and TASM3.01
(compiles your program)
Extract asm86all.zip to a directory called c:\tasm or whatever
you want. Then run your text editor. Again, I recommend the DOS E
Editor (with PC DOS 7.0), because you will have to be in DOS
anyway to compile your program.
Here's the program you will type. It will be explained both
inside the program and under the program.
;your first ASM program
#include "asm86.h" ;#include "" tells the
compiler to include these files, which
#include "ti86asm.inc" ;contain all the ROM functions
and calls
#include "ti86ops.inc" ;they don't necessarily have to
be in this order
#include "ti86math.inc"
#include "ti86abs.inc"
.org _asm_exec_ram ;signals the beginning of an ASM program
nop ;this section will show a program description in an ASM shell
jp MainProg
.dw $0000
.dw Description
MainProg: ;the main section of the program
call _runindicoff ;turns the annoying run indicator off
call _clrLCDfull ;clears the screen and deletes all screen
ld $0000,hl
ld (_curRow),hl ;prepares to write text to the screen
ld $0000,hl
ld (_curCol),hl
ld hl,hello1 ;loads the first text label into register HL
call _puts ;...and puts it on the screen
call _newline ;skips down a line
call _getkey ;waits for a keypress
jp Prog2 ;and then jumps to label Prog2
.db "86 ASM is easy",0
ld $0000,hl ;again, prepares to write text to the screen
ld (_curRow),hl
ld $0000,hl
ld (_curCol),hl
set 3,(iy+$05) ;sets a flag for white-on-black text
ld hl,hello2 ;stores hello2 into HL
call _puts ;and puts it on the screen (line 2)
res 3,(iy+$05) ;resets text to black-on-white
call _newline ;skips down a line
ret ;ends the program - Calculator will crash w/o it
.db "Inverted text!",0
.db "My first ASM program",0
ow, let's take this one line at a time. As you can tell, the
first line of the program was a comment. Comments always begin
with semi-colons. Unlike programming languages like C, C++, and
Turbo 6, there are no "comment blocks"; these are only
one-line comments. Anytime the compiler encounters a semi-colon
in a program (except in .db statements), that character and any
characters after it on that line will be ignored.
The next thing is the include files. The Turbo Assembler compiler
that comes with ASM86 is dumb. It doesn't know what will work on
your calculator. That's why you have to tell it what your program
uses. Then it will "learn" the commands and tell you
what will work and what won't. There are 5 include files that
come with ASM86: ti86asm.inc is Texas Instruments'
"standard" include file; the rest are made by Alan
The next block of text (4 lines) is your program's description.
This is basically a short description of your program. Some
Assembly shells, like ASE and AShell, support program
descriptions. Bill Nagel came up with this routine, so I don't
really understand how it works. :)
Next, the real program starts. I have commented every line so I
don't have to explain it down here. :)
For a change, you can change _curRow to _penRow, _curCol to
_penCol, and _puts to _vputs. This will display text in the
variable-width font (like the Basic Text( command) rather than
the 5x7 font (like the Basic Outpt( and Disp commands). You must
change all of them for it to work correctly.
Now save the file as asmprog1.asm. Make sure your editor doesn't
save it as asmprog1.asm.txt or something else.
Now to compile it. At a DOS prompt (either in DOS or a DOS
window), change to your TASM directory. Do the following.
c:\tasm301\>tasm -i -80 asmprog1.asm
This will start the TASM compiler. The compiler makes two passes.
The first pass is to check the validity of the #include
statements, and to make sure the program has ".org
_asm_exec_ram" and "ret" somewhere. Then the
second pass is to check syntax, validity of ROM calls, and to
make sure all the labels work. If all goes well, you will see
"Number of errors: 0". Then you've got the Go to make
your ASM source file a TI-86 program. After all, you can't send
*.asm files to the calculator. Do the following.
c:\tasm301\make86p asmprog1
Be sure to leave off the .asm extension. This program will give
the file the once-over with the compiler, and then, if everything
checks out, it will take the ASM file and make it a .86p file.
When you get the message ***asmprog1.86p created successfully***,
all you need to do is send the program to your calculator, by
whatever means you use. When the program is on your calculator,
to run the program. The program then should run perfectly. :)
Congratulations! You have written your first Assembly program!
I'll probably do another guide sometime in the future.
I do not accept responsibility for any damage done to your
calculator. I am only a freshman in high school, and I don't know
a lot about ASM. If your calculator locks up, use the following
steps to get use of your calc back.
1. Remove the battery cover.
2. Remove the 4th battery.
3. Press and hold [ON].
4. While holding [ON], replace the battery, and then release
5. Turn the calculator on.
This method is only recommended as a last resort, when nothing
else will work. Using this method, there is a greater than 90%
chance that your memory will be cleared.
Now, I never said this was the greatest ASM tutorial for the 86
out there on the Internet. You can find other 86 ASM resources at
the following web sites:
TI-Philes - Check out the Assembly Programming Column.
TICalc.org - Check out the Assembly-86 Message Board.
Ahmed's TI-86 Page - Ahmed El-Helw has his two tutorials as well
as two others in his Programming section.
If you find something seriously wrong with this tutorial (except
that it sucks), please E-mail me at the following address (no
flames, plz).
WherzWaldo's ASM Guide (c) 1998 David J. Waldo
E-mail: djwaldo@mindspring.com (primary) Web:
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