Argh! I can't make Aurora icons!
Ah, one of those pesky questions. :) Ok, you've heard of Aurora shell, perhaps you have it, or maybe you've gotten rid of it because you couldn't make those icons. Well, it's actually quite simple... First, I should tell you that this method will make your program appear on the desktop of Aurora and it will allow you to run the program using Aurora, but it will not teach you how to make an icon logo thing. That's in ASM, and it requires much more work, or an icon file included within the zipped file that you downloaded. Next, this method will work only with a calculator that has the "Asm(program name" function. So, with that out of the way, lets get down to business.
Ok, you only need to know a couple of things to make these icons. 1.) Aurora needs two programs in order to make your icon show. 2.) These programs begin with "icon" (respect the lower case that it is in!) and with prog. Icon loads the icon file and prog executes the program. OK, lets say you want to make an icon that will run a program called Jezzball. First, create a program called iconJezz (all icon and prog programs must be 8 chars. long!). This program will load the icon. If you had an Asm program that made the icon, it would be called iconJezz and wouldn't be editable 'cause it would be an Asm program. So, we are using the other icon file (iconNibb) to load our makeshift icon. Now, you have your BASIC program called iconJezz. Inside, you put Asm(iconNibb - this will load iconNibb, but it wouldn't appear as the Nibbles icon (don't ask me why). Now, we have an file icon and we need to make a matching program name that will execute the program. Create a BASIC program called progJezz and inside put Asm(jezzball. Now, your icon will show up and will be titled Jezz. When clicked, it will execute the program Jezzball.
Yes, it's that simple to make Aurora icons! Have fun, and experiment a little! While experimenting, I found that your could put the program name - like Asm(jezzball - inside the icon file and it would still work! Also, don't forget to make all files 8 characters long or else they won't show up! Mail any comments to S. Knight