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Lesson 2 - Lbl, Goto, Return, Pause

      These are simple commands that you will definitely use, Return probably the least.  First, there is the Label (Lbl) command which allows you to return to that label.

:Lbl A            ;Identifies Label A
:B+1->B        ;Adds 1 to "B" and stores the result in "B"
:Goto A         ;Goes back to A to repeat

    Labels like these are versatile and can be used in many statements.  They are important because they allow you to return to an area to repeat something or to go to a place If a command is true.  You will learn how to use "If" statements later.  That covers If and Goto.  These statements are used constantly and form the basis of most programs.
    Next there is the Return statement.  I  use this in BASIC shells to Return to a calling program.

Calling Program

:Lbl Save     ;Goes to label "Save" probably from a Menu
:Save           ;Runs the program Save
:Goto Top   ;Goes to Label Top, probably the start of the menu that went to the Label in the 1st place

Program Save

:Return       ;Returns to the calling program

    Using this in a shell, when the user runs a program and exits the program, it returns to the shell.  This provides a seamless operating system from shell to program and back again without the user returning to the homescreen.  Return can be used for other things, but this is the only worthwhile use I have found.
    Finally, there is Pause.  This is usually used when displaying text (Lesson 4).  After displaying the text, the programmer uses Pause to wait for enter to be pressed and go on in the program.

:ClLCD                                               ;Clears the home screen
:Disp "Hello!"                                    ;Displays Hello!
:Pause                                                ;Pauses, and waits for enter to be pressed
:ClLCD                                               ;Clears the home screen
:Disp "This is a cool program"      ;Displays This is a cool program

    As you can see, Pause is a basic command that is very helpful in choose your own adventures, instructions, just about anything.