Lesson 6 - If Then (Else) End statements
If Then (Else) End
statements can be used in many ways. I will model For and
Else in the getky lesson,
and If and Then will be modeled here. "If" simply
says if a statement is true, do this, and if it isn't, do this
then End the If statement:
Take the program section from Lesson 5 and modify it to make the text bounce back and forth with If and Then:
;Clears the home screen
;Stores 1 to the variable "A"
;Identifies label Top
;Outpt(2,A - A stands for 1, then two, etc.
;For counts from 1 to 200 before continuing to ClLCD
;Ends the "For" statement
;Clears the homescreen
;Adds one to variable "A"
;If A is equal to 19 reverses the direction
:Goto Reverse
;If A isn't equal to 19, continues after end
:Goto Top
:Lbl Reverse
;Subtracts 1 from A and stores the result
;Goes to Top if true (A==1) or goes to Reverse to continue moving
:Goto Top
:Goto Reverse