An Award to me, is very special and is earned.
Good homepages have a lot of time and
effort invested in them. I do not
require, like most awarders do, to have your site
be viewable by all ages because I believe in freedom
of expression, however no adult sites please.
I do not believe in giving awards to
friends just because we are friends.
I also don't believe that an Award is just
something to make your page look pretty.
They should be taken with pride. If you Win My Award
and don't plan on putting it on your
page for others to see, don't
waste my time and efforts sending it to you.
Below are the criteria I have set to
Win my Awards. Good Luck!

Award Winners Circle

The Absolute Homepage Award

For homepages that
meet the minimal criteria.
Plus, be an overall outstanding Homepage.
This is the hardest of my Awards
to Win. I must be absolutely taken with your
page if you win this award and you should
be very proud!

The Magical Site Award

Mostly for kid's sites, but can also go for
an adult site if the content has anything magical about it.

The Fae Award

For Fairy Sites.
Believe in the fairy and show their beauty
and this award could go to you.

The Romantic Tale Award

Given to a site
that diplays the love for a husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend.
It must be original and show the relationship clearly.

The Purity Of Love Award

A very special award and cannot be applied for.
This Award is given by myself when I am surfing sites.
It can be for anything from a Mothers/Fathers Love
for their child to Someone's love for
their animal or Husband etc.
You must touch my heart in some way and show me
through emotion in your page the deep love for this
individual or pet.

In order for you to qualify for my Awards:
1. Your page must show credit for any graphics, if any,
you have used off of someone else's pages.
2. You also must sign my guestbook in order to qualify.
3. You must have all LINKS & Graphics working
4. You must have proper spelling and grammar.
5. Your content must be original as well as informational.
6. No Adult Links.
7. YOU MUST add your site URL to my Add A LINK located at the bottom of my main page.

Thank you for applying!
Make sure to note which Award You
are applying for or I will assume the 1st one.

~Absolute Homepage Award Application~

Your Name:
Your email address: (e.g.:
Your Site URL:
Which Award You Are Applying For:
What Does An Award Mean To You?

Why does your page deserve to receive the ~Absolute Homepage Award~?

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