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-Movie | Year | Character-

Boys Don't Cry | 1999 | Kate
Alison didn't have a huge part in the movie, but she had a cute scene singing karoke ('The Bluest Eyes In Texas') Maybe she should pursue a signing career as well? :)

Pigeon Holed | 1999 | Eve

To Die For | 1995 | Lydia Mertz
This was the movie that got me into Alison, she's just great in this movie. Her character is just really believable and Alison really kicked booty in this movie.

Before and After | 1996 | Martha Taverner
I haven't seen this yet, I'm still looking for it! Does include a stellar cast of Edward Furlogn and Meryl Streep as well.

All Over Me | 1997 | Claude
Her most famous movie, and the movie that made me fall in love with her acting. Excellent movie, acting, characters. If this movie dosen't make you think or feel, check oyur pulse.

Good Will Hunting | 1997 | MIT student
Of course this is a great movie, Alison had short blonde hair in this movie, I didn't even recongize her until someone told me! Small part, but well acted- and if it wasn't for her there'd be no plot!

Finding Forrester | 2001 | Jeopardy contestant
I have not seen this movie, but my friend informed me that her part was very small.

Coming Attractions
Things Behind the Sun | 200? | Lulu
The true tales of a rock n roll journalist.

(( T.V. ))
Homicide: Life on the Streets (1997)
"Law & Order" playing "Gina" in episode: "Damaged" (1998)

(( Stage ))
Sat., Sun., Mon.
