Born in the village of Chansad in 1921, Pramukh Swami Maharaj was initiated as a sadhu by Shastriji Maharaj in 1940. His initiation name was Sadhu Narayanswarupdas. In the first few years under the guidance of his Guru, His deep devotion and dedication soon won the total faith and confidence of Shastriji Maharaj.
In 1950, when he was only 28 years old, Shastriji Maharaj appointed him as President (Pramukh) of BAPS in his own place. From then on, he began to be known as Pramukh Swami. Before Shastriji Maharaj passed away in 1951, he instructed Pramukh Swami to work under Yogiji Maharaj.
For the next 20 years, the young disciple served Yogiji Maharaj with the same zeal and obedience as he had his predecessor. Pramukh Swami inspired, never through orders or commands, but through personal example and commitment. The 1960's saw a period of great expansion for the Sanstha.
On 23 January 1971, Yogiji Maharaj left this world. Pramukh Swami, the perfect disciple became Pramukh Swami Maharaj, to fulfill the role of the perfect spiritual master. Over the last three decades, under his able leadership and guidance, BAPS has spread in leaps and bounds. What was, 88 years ago, a small institution with a few hundred devotees and a handful of sadhus, is now a dynamic worldwide organisation with over 350 temples, over 5600 satsang centers, 515 sadhus and over a million followers spread over five continents.
With the inspiration of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the Sanstha has enjoyed remarkable success in international festivals celebrated in 1981 (Bicentenary celebrations of Lord Swaminarayan), 1985 (Bicentenary celebrations of Gunatitanand Swami) and 1992 (Centenary celebrations of Yogiji Maharaj).
In the short span of two years, Akshardham Cultural Complex in Gandhinagar has won international acclaim as a unique centre for promoting humanity's lofty ideals and India's glorious culture. The spectaculr "Cultural Festivals of India" held in London in 1985 and in New Jersey in 1991 were overwhelmingly successful in relaying the timeless messages gleaned from the rich heritage and culture of India. A whole array of activities flourish under Swamishri's guidance : social (famine relief, cattle camps, earthquake relief work), educational (literacy campaigns, youth hostels), ecological (tree planting, well recharging, recycling projects), medical (diagnostic camps, blood donation), moral (anti-addiction drives), cultural (child and youth development), and spiritual.
Even at the age of 79, he untiringly travels from a tiny tribal hut to a modem metropolis, all over the world, to promote a life full of virtues, shining with an uncommon brilliance of moral and spiritual power. In the last fifteen years, he has traveled through more than 12,000 villages, sanctified more than 200,000 homes, written about 435,000 letters, built hundreds of temples and has given countless discourses.
Away from India, Swamishri has embarked on no less than 15 preaching tours abroad, covering 43 countries in 5 continents over the last 25 years. Temples and Satsang Centres have been established in USA, Canada, Europe (UK, France, Portugal, Holland, Belgium), Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Mauritius), South Africa, The Middle East (Bahrain, UAE), The Far East (Japan, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong), Australia and New Zealand. The new temple in Neasden, London, built in traditional Hindu style is the first of its kind to be constructed outside India.
Swamishri himself leads an austere life, without personal gains or comforts. Possessing nothing, asking for nothing, wanting nothing, he goes around giving his all. Despite his age, he untiringly travels from tiny tribal huts to modem metropolitan cities all over the world, to promote a life full of virtues, shining with an uncommon brilliance of moral and spiritual power. At his tender word, thousands have left addictions and walked the path of God. His striking humility, profound wisdom and simplicity have touched many. His love for mankind and respect for all religions is weaving a fabric of cultural unity, interfaith harmony and universal peace. The sole reason behind his unique success is a deep, fluent communion with God.
Swamishri is the present God-realised Satpurush as described by Lord Swaminarayan in the Vachanamritam.
Today Pramukh Swami Maharaj holds aloft the flag of the Akshar Purushottam upasana propounded by Lord Swaminarayan and propagated by Shastriji Maharaj.
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