Master - The most powerful of vampires, capable of destroying the earth.
Minion - a follower of the Master Vampire.
Slayer - a girl born once every generation with the strength and skill to hunt vampires, find them where they gather and stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.
Vampire - Demonic creatures who live off the blood of humans; a vampire appears to be a normal person until the feed is upon them -- only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.
Vessel - a minion, bearing a three-pointed symbol, which can give the Master Vampire power by feeding.
Watcher - person who finds the Slayer and leads her on her path; it is his destiny to guide the Slayer.
Any Where But Here- A game played by the gang, in which they dream about being anywhere but their present location.
Astral Projection- The theory that while one sleeps one has another body -- an astral body -- that can travel through time and space. Bat Signal- Slayer Duties are calling. (Referring the a glowing image that showed Batman was needed in Gotham City.)
Borg- Being calm and emotionless about an event happening. (Referring to Star Trek, a race of being who had no emotions)
Carbon Dated - Beyond out of date.
Chatter in the Caf- Lunchroom slayer gossip.
DeBarge- Looking totally out of date. (DeBarge was a '80's pop-group that wore pretty cheesy outfits.)
Elsewhere to be- Another place other than here.
Exorcist Twist- Rotating of the neck 360. (Homage to the 1973 movie, The Excorcist, where Linda Blair turns her neck all the way around.)
Feeding - Drinking blood; a vampire's only means for survival.
Free- Sunnydale High Study Hall
Gene and Roger- Unsolicited criticism (as in the movie critics, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert).
Harvest - a night once in a century when a Master Vampire can draw power from one of his minions while it feeds.
Helen Keller- Unobservant person ("My eyes are hazel, Helen Kellar").
Host- The person of whom the vampire feeds.
Joan Collins- A Mega-Bitch. (Referring to Collin's role in Dynasty)
Keyser Sozed- Duped into believing in a non-existent villian by the actual bad guy. ("Does anybody else feel like they've been Keyser sozed?")
Lose One's Water- To freak out.
Master- The most powerful of vampires, capable of destroying the earth.
Minion- A follower of the Master Vampire.
O.J- Surprisingly, turning violent on someone.
One Starbucks Town- An extremely boring city.
Pulling a Scully- To try and rationalize paranormal activity refusing to believe something is out there (a homage to The X-Files Dana Scully.)
Sabrina- Another name for witches. (Homage to the TV show, Sabrina the Teenage Witch.)
Salty Goodness- An attractive person of the opposite sex.
Scooby Gang- The slayer and her friends. Referring to Scooby-Doo, a cartoon about a group of crime-fighting teens and their dog.)
Sire- The vampire of whom creates another vampire.
Slayer - a girl born once every generation with the strength and skill to hunt vampires, find them where they gather and stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.
Snag-A-Sip - To take a drink from someone elses glass.
Spider Senses- Knowing something is about to happen. (Referring to the SpiderMan comics.)
Ubersuck- A major bummer.
Vague That Up- (sarcasm) Making a completely confusing explanation more unclear.
Vampire- Demonic creatures who live off the blood of humans; a vampire appears to be a normal person until the feed is upon them -- only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.
Vessel - a minion, bearing a three-pointed symbol, which can give the Master Vampire power by feeding.
Watcher- person who finds the Slayer and leads her on her path; it is his destiny to guide the Slayer.
The Wacky- Crazy things ("Love makes you do the wacky")
The Wiggins- Also known as "the Creeps."
Wild Bunch- Getting violent resulting in a massacre.("Don't go wild bunch on me")
Yester- Over, history. ("Forget about it, it's of the yester.")
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