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I've had this page up for a few months, and in that time, I've received A LOT of mail from people who agree that Pat really does have the best ass in tennis, and/or Petey is the hairiest bastard alive. Some of them are actually quite amusing, and I've noticed some trends... all females who like Pat hate Petey, or vice versa. Unfortunately, I've gone and erased all of them! I've still got some of the more recent ones, which I'll post here. If anyone else has got something to say about the page or anything else, feel free to e-mail me and I'll post your rants :-)

From: Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 1998

I have to say. Some of the funniest and best work that I have seen on the web. I am a big Rafter and Philippoussis fan but it is great to have a laugh at them. Keep up the good work. ~Cathy

From: Robin

Date: Feb 13, 1998

Although I'm a bit older than you and have seen ALOT more ass, you have excellent taste. Pat has the greatest ass I've ever seen (in pictures anyway). You have the best Rafter web site, since I'm also a Pete basher. I always thought that Pete's ass was sucking canal water. Hopefully one day Pat will beat pukey pete's hairy butt.

From: ?

Date: Jan 30, 1998

Wow! What a funny e-mail! Pat' s ass?! I just think my all-time HERO, Paddy has the BEST bod & personality! He came here(Hong Kong) at the end of '96 & played in an exhibition tournament. He just took off his shirt & threw it, plus his wrist-bands & towels to us, the spectators after winning in the final! BTW, he & his bro, Geoff are really friendly!

From: Gabi

Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998

My english is not very good, but I hope, that everybody understand, what I like to say.

I'm a very, very big Jim Courier fan (he was a former Nr. 1 in the tennis wourld and for me he is still the Nr. 1) and I think, that Jimbo has the sexiest ass and the sexiest legs in the tennis wourld. I love his way to play tennis and I hope, that he can go back to the top ten, to show the younger players, how good a former Nr. 1 can play.

Greetings from Germany


From: Julie

Date: March 25

your x-mas page is hysterical!!!! Don't take it down!

From: JanL

Date: March 25, 1998

I swear we are one and the same person LOL I call Pete sampras aka the monkey man! My best friend loves the guy but i can't stand him. He's a good player but the hair!! eeeek! And Rafter *sigh* the ass is mighty nice ;) I never tire of these two subjects myself. At least once a day I take a jab at another of my friends who thinks sampras is soo hot <--puke!!

I'm going to finish checking out your web page now so.. adios os JanL

From: JanL

Date: March 25, 1998

Subject: your pete sampras page

did you write those articles? they are fictitious? hahahaah I LOVE THEM i haven't laughed like that in ages! i have to print it and carry it to school to show my friend and see her reaction!!!!!! wooohoooo


From: Puckie

Date: March 20, 1998

I LOVE IT!!! It's the best!! I can't agree with you more Mark's ass is great but Pat's ass takes the cake! (he has a nice set of cheeks!) Nice form! Round and firm! Well it's such a great topic and I don't know much about it. If you want to chat about Mark and Pat's ass I can always add a few words!!

Bye, L

I LOVE IT!!! It's the best!! I can't agree with you more Mark's ass is great but Pat's ass takes the cake! (he has a nice set of cheeks!) Nice form! Round and firm! Well it's such a great topic and I don't know much about it. If you want to chat about Mark and Pat's ass I can always add a few words!! Bye, L ____________________________________________________________________________________________

And that's all I have for now, because stupid me, I erased all the best old ones that really give it to Petey! *lol* Please keep sendin' them in people; Pat fans and Petey bashers gotta stick together! :-)

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