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I finally got some pics of Pat's lovely ass to post! Not bare, but hey, you can't have it all! :-) And I'll try my damndest to find some more! :-) So here it is, my PAT'S ASS page, 'cause I figure the greatest Aussie ass on the ATP tour is deserving of an entire page dedicated to just that!

I figure a lot of you were really looking forward to seeing Pat's ass here, but this is the best I can do (until now! Keep scrolling down!): #1 (_!_) #1 That's Pat's ass alright, Number 1!!!

Here's a couple more great "asscons" I got from Wouter, our buddy guessed it, the Netherlands! :-)

(__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_._) a flat ass (_^_) a bubble ass (_*_) a sore ass (_!__) a lop-sided ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that's been around (_O_) an ass that's been around even more (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave my ass alone (_zzz_) a tired ass (_o^o_) a wise ass (_13_) an unlucky ass (_$_) Money coming out of his ass (_?_) Dumb Ass

Hehehe. Pretty cute, eh? Wout's got great jokes at the end of every one of his tennis reports. If you want to be on his mailing list, just sign my guestbook or e-mail me to request it, and I'll pass on your addy to him. He'll be glad to send ya his great reports! :-)

Ok, now that I've finished advertising Wouter's EXCELLENT reports, back to Pat. Since I couldn't find any pics of his ass :-( a couple of regular pics will have to do. UPDATE: Keep scrolling down! It might take a while to load, but there are now some brand spankin' new pics of Pat's ass!!!

This one ain't bad, eh? He's squattin'! If only the camera were placed directly behind him when the pic was taken.....

This pic is from when Pat won the WORLD'S BEST ASS contest held annually in your nation's capital, Washington DC. This year, Pat was up against some pretty tough competition, including President Clinton's ass, but Rafter prevailed to take home the trophy. Australia, you should be proud!

Here's a nice close-up from Clair's Total Tennis page. But come on Pat, you know those aren't the cheeks we all want to see! :-)

Here's some nice pics Madeeha sent me..... Ah, two of my favorite people in the same shot: one with the greatest ass and the other with the best damn hairpiece in tennis and show business respectively, Pat Rafter and David Letterman.

And another.... A little fuzzy, but you can use your imagination, right? :-)

Shannon was also nice enough to send me these pics she got from the Davis Cup semifinals against the USA. The lucky gal was seated in the first row on the north side of the court, so she had a very nice angle (for my purposes, anyway. I would give anything to be that close to Pat's ass!) But for some damn reason, they don't seem to be working :-( Maybe the problem will fix itself, so I'll just leave them up for now.

Here's an EXCELLENT rearview shot from Mandy's homepage. _______________________________________________________________ IHP told me the perfect line to sum up how I feel about Pat: "Hate to see him leave, but I love to watch him walk away..." :-) (thanks IHP!)

Top Ten Requests of Pat Rafter Fans

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My Jim Courier Page
Petey's Scrapbook--specially made for Pete Bashers!
My X-MAS Page--see what all the pros want for Christmas!
My MARK'S ASS Page--requested by and dedicated to my TC bud Quin! :-)
