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Culture , Economy & People


Lebanon has a unique natural beauty, where all sorts of topography are to be found within its tiny area: sea and mountains, rivers and valleys, cities and villages, modernism and tradition.

Sports persons can ski and swim in the same day. Ski resorts such as Faraya, Zaarour, and the Cedars are one to three hours from Beirut.


Lebanon is rich in culture and cultural activities, having been the recipient of several civilizations from earliest times -Babylonian, Assyrian, Phoenician, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Ottoman, French among others.

The Phoenicians sailed along the coast to trade, and even circumnavigated Africa. Most Lebanese speak several foreign languages, particularly Arabic (their own), French, and English, which help them, understand other cultures and enrich their own.

Popular cultural activities are theater, movies, art, music, exhibitions, lectures.


As in other Arab countries the traditional lifestyle of the Lebanese revolves strongly around the family, socializing and hospitality. Western influences, mainly French and American, have given the country a cosmopolitan facade, mostly in the main cities.

Outside the cities, especially in the mountains, the people retain the old customs and traditions. The Lebanese people, despite being ethnically and religiously diverse because of the country's long history of conquest and assimilation, are friendly and hospitable.

They are familiar with foreigners' ways and dress and although sleeveless tops, miniskirts and shorts are acceptable in Beirut, the rest of the country is more traditional and modest dress is recommended. This is particularly necessary when visiting mosques and other religious places.


Lebanon is also unique in its social structure, particularly in its various religious sects. There are 18 acknowledged sects being spread among Christian and Muslim religions.

Before the war there was a strong middle class, which today has disappeared, leaving the very rich or the poor. Generally speaking the Lebanese are socially active, with many restaurants, pubs, and nightclubs. Restaurants are famous for their food, both foreign and local.

The latter serve our famous maza, which can include up to 50 dishes. Araq, our traditional drink, is taken with maza. Gambling is restricted to the Casino du Liban.

Handshaking is the normal form of greeting. Clothing is European, and of the latest fashion.

Official Holidays

New Year 's DayJanuary 1st

St. Maroun February 9

Birthday of the Prophet* July 6

Good Friday (West)* April 10

Easter Monday * April 12

Good Friday(East) * April 17

Easter Monday* April 19

Labor Day May 1st

Virgin Mary Resurrection August 15

All Saints November 1st

National DayNovember 22

Christmas December 25


There are fours seasons, and temperatures vary. Rainfall is during the winter months.

Summer, from June-September: the weather is hot and humid along the coast, mild and cool in the mountains. Average temperatures are 25-34 degrees Celsius Autumn, from September-December: the weather is warm and pleasant. Average temperatures are Celsius

Winter, from December-March: the weather is cold and rainy, with snow falling from 700-3000m. Average temperatures are 5-15 Celsius Spring, from March-June: the weather is usually warm and pleasant. Average temperatures are Celsius.

The climate in the country is moderate and Mediterranean. Lebanon enjoys, on average, some 300 days a year of sunshine. The winter is mild on the coast and snowy in the mountains.

The summer is hot on the coast and mild in the mountains. In some spring months, one can ski in the mountains and swim on the coast, both in the same day!

Average temperature for Beirut (coastal) are given below:

Average Temperatures in Centigrade


January ~ 13

February ~ 14

March ~ 16

April ~ 18

May ~ 22

June ~ 25

July ~ 27

August ~ 28

September ~ 26

October ~ 24

November ~ 19

December ~ 16


Lebanon enjoys a free market economy. Maximum income tax is 10 per cent and, for some types of income, less than that.

Foreign currency exchange is also free: there are no restrictions on foreign currencies brought into the country or taken out of the country.

The Lebanese currency, the Lira (=100 piasters), has been strengthening against the US dollar for the past three years and is regaining its reputation as a powerful currency on the international financial markets.

In spite of the devastating armed conflict that took place in Lebanon between 1975 and 1990, the growth rate of the Lebanese economy, around 8 per cent a year,is the highest in the Middle East and one of the highest in the world.

Lebanon has a very well educated and trained manpower in the various fields of development, including technology. As was already noted, most Lebanese speak three languages at least: their native Arabic, French and English.

There are thirteen universities in the country, including two American universities: the long established (1866)

American University of Beirut (AUB) and the Lebanese American University (LAU).

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