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ok not a lot to tell you here. I am in gr. 11. I have straight A's. very boring. My last report card yeilded 81%, 87%, 85% and 92%. (English, Geography, Photography and Computers... respectivley) I am only including this stuff fur now because in my ADVANCED (fur crying out loud this makes me wanna burts in tears) we are 'learning' to make web pages. Geezed *sighs and shakes head* here we are in a Gr. 11 ADVANCED CLASS and we are making web pages. I OWN a compnay making web pages for creying out loud so I just added the 'needed' critera to my oh-so-crappy page and hoped it goes over with the teach. it wou;lnd't make any difference if it didn't. Anyway all 4 now. wow wasn't that enlightening? Now oyu know that I get a lousy straight A's didn't it make yur day? *grins*


Ahhhh achievemnets, hmmm there aren't many. I own a small co. that doesn't yet have a name that makes web paages. I dew it on the side... part time 'cause I don't have enuf time to make it a big thing... but it's money... money that'll keep me going throught University. I ummmm achieved Top ten in last years down Hill Alpine Racing but thtas not much of an achievment for a couple resons. One being that it was only a high school competiton and the second being that racing downhill kind of sucks because then your missing the whole point of skiing. I mean ya the rush is gret for the 3 min and then thatz it.. whats the point? That IS the point;) Ok I got a CAP job... a job that kids all over Ontario would love to have. I didn't think I'd get it 'cause there are a lot of ppl smarter than me (it's a Internet mentor job) but I got it so I was glad. My last main achievement. I have successfully managed to get a few bright ppl to respect me. My interlligence, my skills.... it doesn't happen often and it feels gret to not be 'just the novice' anymore. Anyway now I'm tired of talking so this is enuf. L8r.

this page was last updated 05/10/98 by a gust of ...:::SNoW:::...