What Skiing Should Be
OK so here you are... I'm not sure why your reading this... maybe because
you stumbled upon this page and it was hard to resist it... hey I can
understand that but I want to tell you what skiing means to me... what it
should mean to you and if it doesn't then maby you should start re-thinking
you motives *smiles and laughs* Skiing's not about getting all dressed up
with only a ski resort to sit around and act pretty. Here is a little something I
So what I want to know is if when you ski... freestyle, downhill, if you race, if you don't, if you
need to ski because it makes you feel free, then you have found what skiing is supposed to be... no
more ski resorts, no more loud music, no crowds... just you, the snow and a awesome pair of
Well you've skied Banff... Whistler, Blackcomb... been there done that.
Ok what else have you done?
Have you Helli-skied?
Have you ever put a new pair of skies on and felt like you just got married?
Well I must admit the thrill of the hill, the renewing of being in tune with your skies...
it's quite a feeling, something not all skiers feel, experience or want... you have to want it...
it has to come from deep inside you... and if it does it will call you to the wilds beyond and
you won't be able to escape it... the snow will catch you... the earth will rise up to meet
you... but if there isn't that pulling don't make it come... it can't be faked... it is just there...
to all who have felt it... WELCOME... you have entered a new dimension... do not be one
who lets it be... only a few are chosen... I would like to welcome you... go on, don't be
So that is what I think send me mail if you have anything to add *smiles* mail me
Email: quiet_defiance@yahoo.com