This page is all about the joys of halloween! We give decoration ideas!Costume tips, fun games, recipes for ghoulish treats and much more!!!! Halloween is almost here!!!!!!!
The front yard is the most important part of the house! It shows u care about the holiday! I'll share with you ways to look festive, scary and make the neighbors stare in awe w/ out hitting the pocket to harsh! Well First of all & this is the most expensive piece, i reccomend going out and buying a cardboard coffin (cost $27.99 found at most party stores in late Sept. and throughout Nov.) it's long lasting and the result is worth it. Pic N Sav's carry cobbwebs (the nylon kind u have to pull) 4 about $.99! Cover bushes with that. Stand the coffin up closed by your front door against the wall. Place those pumpkin or creepy eye christmas light type things in windows (cost $10). Take cardboard and cut into tombstone shapes, paint gray and write in info like ex. Rip Will B. Under 1901-1987! For a scary effect splatter some red paint on it too! Make em stand in lawn! Make enough to really decorate your lawn! (Cost me about 3.50 each) Carve Jackolanterns enough to light the way to your door(Cost varies)! If you follow these tips I garuntee your lawn will look great! Save all decorations for the future. And remember the more decorated u get, the more kids trick or treat at your house so load up on candy!
Inside Decorations
Unfortunetly, most people don't understand the inside of your house must be festive too! Here are some great tips! 1) Use an old white sheet to cover the furniture like the house has been abandoned. 2) Light candles and place everywhere(but do take fire precautions). 3) Get those fake nylon cobwebs (cost: $1) Spread around the area. 4) Place Jackolanterns in different areas (cost varies) and finally hang a decorative skeleton or witch from the ceiling (cost: $10 and up).
Materials: toilet paper, stopwatch
How to play: You need at least 5 people to play. Pick 1 person to be a judge. The rest of the people need to get into teams of 2.The teams must decide who the mummy will be and who the wrapper is. Judge says go and sets the stopwatch for 120 seconds. The wrapper has 120 seconds to nicely wrap the mummy. At the end the judge must choose a winner. The criteria is based on how far they got and how nice the mummy looks. Then the winning mummy gets to break out of their toilet paper and unwrap the other(s). Winning team should recieve a prize.
To play this game take about 15 index cards and write different dares and "truth"'s on them. Now gather 3 or more people and shuffle the cards. First person picks a card if they complete the dare they get a point, if they refuse the other game players devise a plan to scare that person and attempt to do so. The person with the most points wins.
Music: Time Warp
The Steps:
1)Jump to the left 2)Step to the right 3)Hands on hips 4)Bring your knees together 5)Pelvic thrust 6) Pelvic roll 7) Jump & about face 8) Jump and face back to the way you were 9) Right hand in the air 10)repeat steps during chorusPlease click the mail box to email me recipes, decorating tips ect. thanx!