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Win My Award

Hey! Do you want to win BSB Beach House's Site Award? You've come to the right place! All you have to do is e-mail me with your:


Site Name

Site Address

E-mail Address

I'll review your site and if you win I'll e-mail you back with the award code and you're link will be under my Winners section.

There are some rules in order to win though:
~It MUST be about BSB! It can be dedicated to all of BSB, one of BSB, or a combination. But please... no pages with dedications to several people. (Example: Please no sites about BSB, Joshua Jackson, and Ricky Martin.)

~No humor pages. (Sorry! Humor pages tend to offend some people!)

~Your page cannot have any type of bashing! No bashing BSB's girlfriends, pets, families, friends, or anyone!


~Sign my guestbook! =)

~If you're site has a bunch of phony rumors, that narrows your chances of winning!

Now that you know how to win, apply!

Winner's of the BSB Beach House Award
BSB Beach House
