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EPISODE 3: Faith, Hope and Trick: Just as Buffy's life seems to be setling down again with school, hanging out with friends and the occasional saving of the world, she is faced with an ancient cloven-hooved daemon and his blood sucking sidekick Mr. Trick.
Another new arrival Faith, helps Buffy in her battle against the daemons and begins to integrate herself into every aspect of Buffy's life.
EPISODE 4: Beauty and the Beasts:
EPISODE 5: Homecoming: With Cordelia boasting of a sure fire win in the race for Homecoming Queen, and in so doing awakens the Prom Queen within Buffy, who then tries to enlist the gang's help.
Meanwhile Mr. Trick assembles a host of killers in Sunnydale to take part in a hunt that will mean the end for the two slayers.
EPISODE 6: Band Candy: Buffy is forced to grow up fast when Mr. Trick initiates a diabolical scheme to render the town defenceless by causing Sunnydale's adult population to inexplicably begin behaving as irresponsible youths.
Meanwhile, Buffy struggles to keep Angel's return a secret, while her mother and Giles plan out a 24 hour a day schedule for her.
EPISODE 7: Revelations: Tempers run hot when the gang learn that Angel has returned and that Buffy has been hiding that fact, but they must all band together to fight off a Demon who has arrived in Sunnydale looking for a highly powerful weapon.
Meanwhile, Faith meets her new watcher, a brisk English woman who is disdainful of Giles' haphazard method of doing things.
EPISODE 8: Lovers' Walk: Just as Buffy enjoys a minute to revel in her SAT scores and begin to think of her future, Spike returns to Sunnydale, a shell of his former self who has been left by Drusilla, and has come back for revenge on those who were to blame, especially Angel.
Meanwhile, Willow prepares a de-lusting spell to keep her and Xander's emotions in check during a double bowling date with Cordelia and Oz.
EPISODE 9: The Wish: Ridding Sunnydale of one slimy demon provides little distraction for Buffy, Xander, and Willow, who are still coping with the aftermath of their relatonship woes. Cordelia is taking it the hardest, ignoring the vast amount of answering machine messages left by Xander while burning all the pictures of
her ex-boyfriend. She arrives at school dressed to kill, but she soon learns that her old friends still have no respect for her, even after Xander has left the picture. Cordelia is introduced to Anya, a new girl in town. Anya takes an immediate intrest in Cordy's personal troubles as she identifies Buffy as the source of all her troubles.
'Don't you just wish...?' asks Anya. Cordelia agrees, she wishes Buffy Summers had never comr to Sunnydale. 'Done' says Anya. And it is...
EPISODE 10: Amends/A Buffy Christmas: As Christmas draws near, Angel begins to relive in his dreams the numerous murders that he has comitted. One of his victims was a young man named Daniel, whom Angel killed in Dublin in 1838. Unable to stay in bed any longer, Angel ventures out onto the streets of Sunnydale and runs into Buffy, who's doing some last minute Christmas shopping.
Angel's attention is soon diverted to a familiar face in the distance. Impossible as it may seem, Angel recognizes this person as Daniel, the same man he killed 160 years ago. Seeking Gile's help, Angel is disturbed to find himself haunted by the apparent spirit of Jenny Calender...