Your Pets
Send me a pic of you and your pet and i'll post it here... Notice it doesn't
say Your Bulldog... you can send a pic of any pet you have...
On the left is Karren and Taighe... On the right Taighe has grown a little
This is Frankie his parents didnt send a pic of them with Frankie so i guess
they aint as photogenic as he is....
Bill and Susan Olsen from New Jersey with both bullies they got from us...
This is Julia, she and Bugsy live in New York, they are very happy and would
like everyone to know it...
This is Argus his pic was sent in by his human Carol
The pic on the right is Winston, he and his owners Hans and Mirjam are from the Netherlands
This is Noffel, he and his owner Coen are members of the Dutch Bulldog Club
Center and far right are Harley and his owner Bernie
This is Ace Thats all I know about this pic...
This is Sarge the owners didn't give me any other information
This is Nellie and her pups... Her pic was sent to me by Jane, they all live together in England
This is Butch at 13 1/2 weeks his pic was sent in by Christopher
This is Zoe and Fred.. Fred is one of our pups... looks like he's sizeing up his new girlfriend...
This is Spike and his buddy Kris
More of your pets
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