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Naga - In Hindu myth, the Naga are a primeavel divine race of serpent-men. They play a very important part of hinu mythology and are still worshiped today as the bringers of fertility in Southern India. They are believed to live in palaces called Patala in the deep underground city of Bhogavati.

Nessie -
Pern- A mythical world created by fantasy author, Anne McCaffery. A world where dragons are genetically engineered to protect the land from the red star's raining, searing thread.

Pukis - Pukis is a Lativian dragon-like household spirit who is said to steal from others for their masters. This spirit is obtainable by buying it, growing it, or tieing it down with magick spells. It is a very high maintenence creature, for, if you don't take care of it properly it will leave or die,  or possible do it's master harm (much like a pokemon :> ) It is said to look like a fiery ball, often times moving at great speeds.

Python - In greek mythology Python was the great dragon who gaurded the oracle and delphi. Apollo slayed python and calimed the oracle for his own.

Rahu - A demon in Hindu myth that causes eclipses. In his chariot pulled by eight black stallions, he rides the skies, his mouth wind open, trying to devour the sun or moon. Often times he is portrayed as a bodiless dragon's head.

In Tibetan mythology he is the god of the nine planets and one of the terror-inspiring gods, the Krodhadevatas, in this mythology he is said to have 9 heads and the body of a snake.

Ruki - In Kiribati myth, the sea serpent; son of Na Atibu and Nei Teuke, the first beings.
[See: Sea Serpent]

Ryo-Wo -known as the Dragon King in Japanese mythology.

Ryu- A Japanese dragon able to live in the air, on land or in the water. Ryu is considered one of the four sacred creatures of Orient and symbolizes storms and rain.

Ryujin -"Luminous Being". The Japanese dragon god of the sea. Ryujin lives in Ryugu his palace at the bottom of the sea. His daughter Otohime (Toyo-Tame) married prince Hoori. The sea-king is depicted with a large mouth.Turtles are regarded as his messengers.

Ryujin controls the tidal flows with the magical Tide Jewels. Many centuries ago the Empress Jingo planned an invasion of Korea. She prayed to Ryujin and sent the beach-god Isora to his temple. There he was given the Tide Jewels for the empress. The Japanese fleet then set sail towards Korea and the Korean fleet sailed out to confront them. When she saw the approaching fleet, Jingo quickly threw the Low Tide Jewel into the sea so that the tide receded at once and the Korean fleet was beached. The Koreans all jumped out onto the mudflats but at that moment the empress threw the High Tide Jewel and a tidal wave drowned the men. The tidal wave carried the Japanese fleet on to the coast, into the harbor and to victory. Later Ryujin personally presented the Tide Jewels, on a beautiful pink shell, to Prince Ojin, Empress Jingo's son.

Sea Dragon - A dragon or dragon like creature who lives in the sea, usually considered a ledged spawned from whale or eel sightings [see also: sea serpent]

Sea Serpent -

Serpent -

The Shen Lung -

Singa a ledged of the Indonesian Batak people who live in the mountains in northern Sumatra This dragon appears in the shape of a lion and shows many similarities with nagas. [See Naga]

Smaug -

Sparklies -

St. George -

Tarasque -

Tatzlwurm - from German folklore, the Tatzlwurm is a winged, fire-breathing dragon.

Th'uban - An Islamic dragon-like deamon.

Tiamat- In Babylonian myths, Tiamat is a huge, bloated female dragon that is the goddes of the saltwater ocean, the water of Chaos. She is also the primordial mother of all that exists, including the gods themselves. Her husband is Apsu, the god of the freshwater. From them the first pair of gods were born. Their descendants started to irritate Tiamat and Apsu so they decided to kill their offspring. Ea discovered their plans and he managed to kill Apsu while they slept. Tiamat flew into a rage when she learned about Apsu's death and wanted to avenge her husband. She created an army of monstrous creatures, which was to be led by her new husband Kingu. Eventually, Tiamat was defeated by the young god Marduk, who was born in the deep freshwater sea.

Marduk defeated her and cut her body in half and from the upper half he created the sky and from the lower half he made the earth. From her water came forth the clouds. Kingu also perished, and from his blood Marduk created the first humans.

Uga-Jin - Japanese serpent-god of the waters, and god of the fertility of the earth.

Unhcegila - A dragon like land creature who the source of mysterious deaths and inexplicable

Uwibami - A monstrous giant flying serpent from Japanese mythology which can swoop down and swallow a man on horseback.

Welsh Dragon -

Weyr -A habitat or home for and/or of dragons.

Wing -One of the Chinese Lungs.