cpbanner2.jpg (7788 bytes)

The Font used on these buttons is
Chasm, and is in Italics, with a shadow.
The Font Color is coded as following:
Hue=40: Sat=80: Lum=186

This is something new I am trying.  I have been to other graphic sites
and liked the graphics, but the blank buttons were of no use to me,
due to the fact that I couldn't match up the fonts!

cphome.jpg (3061 bytes)

cpblank.jpg (2244 bytes)

cplinks.JPG (3002 bytes)


cpsign.jpg (3309 bytes)

cpview.jpg (3383 bytes)

cpemail.jpg (2994 bytes)

cpback.jpg (3071 bytes)

cplogo1.jpg (4093 bytes)

