Welcome to Noah's
I've had alot of fun creating this page and I hope you have
as much fun viewing it.
May God bless you in everything you do in His name,
day by day.

And it came to pass after
seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis 7:10

And the rain was upon the earth
forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:12

important facts I learned from Noah
1. Don't miss the boat.
2. Remember
that we are all in the same boat.
3. Plan
ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
4. Stay
fit. You may be 600 years old when asked to do something really big.
5. Don't listen to critics, just get on with the job that
needs to be done.
6. Build
your future on high ground.
7. We
were meant to travel in pairs, it was planned that way.
8. Speed
isn't everything. The snails were onboard with the cheetas.
9. When
you're stressed, float awhile.
10. Remember
the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.
11. Whatever
the storm may be, when you're with God there's a rainbow waiting.

Catch the waves!
Noah's Profile
1. Favorite Food.....................Sea
2. Favorite Drink.....................Water
3. Favorite Color.....................Psychedelic
( i.e. Rainbow)
4. Favorite Song.....................Rain Drops
Keep Falling on My Head
5. Favorite Vacation...............Cruise
6. Favorite Transportation.....Boat
7. Favorite
8. Favorite Number................Two
9. Favorite Passtime...............Deep Sea
10. Favorite
Person..................The Lord

Created By His Hand
He said
"A flood of waters I will bring
to destroy all living flesh
And when the floods have gone away,
We will begin a fresh."
The wickedness and
Of man upon this land
Is what decided the floods
Created by His hand.
They were to build a
For the rains that He would send
To flood the wondrous earth
Created by His hand.
They heard the rains
begin to pour
And each one felt relief
As they settled in the ark
They were thankful they had belief.
They looked around
about them
And knew that it was grand
To float upon the waters,
Created by His hand.
In the end Noah sent
a dove
to find the safe dry land
It flew back with an olive branch
Created by His hand.
As a symbol of
God’s promise
For no flood to destroy all land
Was in the sky a bow of colors
Created by His hand.
Dana Butler Dunlap
August, 1999

The border on this page was created from a wooden
ark that my son,David Justice
colored at our church camp. It is being used with his permission.
(Thanks, son, I love you, Mama.)

All animated graphics on this page are courtesy of
You must go see their work
It is absolutely amazing!