I have been a sublime fan for a number of years now. I’m 23 years old, and I attend the University of Alabama, in Tuscaloosa. (by the way, ROLL TIDE) I went to see Long Beach Dub allstars on the warped tour (2000) in panama city, florida. At club la vela. I had planned been planning this trip for a few months, but I never expected to experience what I did when I got there. Here’s my story…..LBDA wasn’t scheduled to play until 8:00 that night so I had time to just do whatever. I went to the store across the street to get some beer, when to my surprise, Miguel Happoldt walked in. I had to introduce my self. I mean hell, he was one of the guys who started sublime. We talked for a few minutes in the store and he told me that they were all chilling down on the beach. He invited me down. I couldn’t believe it. When we got down to the beach, everyone was down there. Eric, Marshall, Opie, Ras-1, Louie, 40-dog, the whole fucking crew. Miguel asked me to go back to the store to make a beer run for him. I remember him saying “ how many times are you gonna get a chance to buy beer for sublime” I was like “hell yeah” . He gave me $50 to go get 2 cases of corona, and eric gave me some money to get a pack of jack daniels fruit drinks. Then for the next 3 or 4 hours, we sat and got trashed together. And I sat and listen to old stories about brad. It was truly moving. I remember Miguel telling me how him and brad met and how Brad used to say that they wouldn’t play a show unless they can walk off stage and walk right on to the beach. He said that was bradley’s dream. He told me about times when they played in Tuscaloosa, at the university and they would get trashed at fraternity parties. I can remember eric taking his rottweiler way out into the ocean and dropping him just to make the poor bastard swim back. It was cool. Louie had his own umbrella. That dog was pampered. Miguel (mike) told me louies whole life story. That was really cool. I got to have personal conversations with every member of lbda. With the exception of bud. He was pissed off at Miguel so he stayed on the bus the whole time. Opie drew a 40oz sun on my arm with a sharpie marker. That was tight as hell. We sat out there and chatted until about an hour before their show. They treated me like family. I can tell you one thing. Those guys are the nicest bunch of punks you’ll ever meet. If you ever get the chance, go up and introduce yourself to them, they’ll do the same. I know one thing. If I had never walked into that store the same time as Miguel, I might had never had the chance to meet the guys we call “sublime”. I just wish I got to meet Bradley. Then MY dream would be complete. And oh yeah, their show was fucking awesome. I could go on and on about that day but I don’t want to waste anymore of your time. But it was a day that I’ll never forget.