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WORDS OF WISDOM SPOKE BY THE GREAT AJ McLEAN (note: for all of my intellectually declined friends, this is the AJ quotes page!)

"I love you all, thank you"

"I love you Grandma"

"See the nail? Now you don't see the nail"

"Right now I wouldn't feel it,no I really wouldn't"

"Man I ain't 'doin this s**t!"

"I'm really gettin' sick of you guys! I just....I gotta go! I really gotta go! So I'll see you guys later! Sorry! *KISS* Bye!"

AJ SAYS, "Year of 2000, the wave of the future! Hey Skipper, where we goin' today?" THEN HOWIE D. SAYS, "Yo homie, Gilligan, we is goin' back to da islands!" THEN AJ SAYS, "Word!" THEN HOWIE D. SAYS, "To your brother!"

"Welcome to Mr. Roger's neighborhood! Sorry Mr. Roger's couldn't be here today, but I'm takin' his place!"

"A brother Bill and a brother Phil! Don't make 'em angry!"

"We're gonna move on to.....Gee I wonder!....Exit stage left even!"

"What howie?......Howie's a kooky-kinda guy!"

"Like a virgin......ohhh...Tt...Uh-hum! Sorry little breath of Madonna there!"

"Dont you look now"

"Maybe now I can have a girlfriend!"

"WOW! Emmmm! I was 16 and it was kinda weird 'cos it was more like a rushed situation. It was a wonderful thing and it was all done right, but it wasn't someone I was in a stong relationship with at the time. We actually did end up getting into one though. It was cool and i liked it. I'd do it again!"-AJ on loosing his virginity!

Nick says,"Me and Puff go way back!" AJ says in reply,"yea, Nick, Puff the Magic Dragon!"

"I had my first kiss when i was 4 and i kissed my next-door neighbors daughter, her name was Jennifer, then i ran away."

"Music is love, love is music. Music is my life and i love my life. Thank-you and goodnight!"

"Why do men have nipples?......For girls to kiss!"-ohh get nasty AJ! J/K! LOL!

"Bring on the women!"

"I'm not. I'm pretty sure Kevin isn't. He's 27 years old! Myself, Kevin, Howie and Brian are not. I'm pretty sure Nick isn't but you never know!"

When the question,"What do you think is your best body part, and why?" AJ answered by saying,"Hmmmm! LOL! A dangerous question. I've been told that my eyes are, and I've been told by many fans,'Damnit would you take off your glasses so i can see your eyes' I have long eyelashes, which are a little too feminine for me, but people like them. I would cut them off, but if it works....!"

"I never used to pray before, but know i pray everyday."

"Nick, this is all your fault!"

"Everyone was afraid of me 'cos I was such a freak. No one would come near me, they were like, 'What the hell is wrong with him, he's so weird."

"Usually girls have a sensitive side, so you can go mushy on them."

"I'm not good at secrets so dont tell me any."

"Make it a hell of alot better."

"Off in this direction."

"I'm a big ham."

"I keep thinking, I'm just out of highschool, I'm just a regular guy, why are you crying?"

"I'm glad we dont share a room when we're on traveling, i'd hate to have to fight with him for the mirror" speaking of Howie D.

"I love a girl who has long fingernails because i like the way they feel on my skin. When a girl rubs the back of my neck and she has long fingernails, man that's nice!"

"I'd like to own a McDonald's. Oh do I!"

"I look like Elvis!"

"That toilet takes forever to flush."

"And what do we show you? We show you dis', we show you dat'. But do we show you how crazy are fans really can be? They're CrAzY"

"Look at all you sexy women out there! You're 'lookin all sexy all wet in the rain!"

"This goes out to all the beautiful.... lovely.... hmmmmm.... SEXY LADIES OUT THER TONIGHT!" brfore singing Lay Down Beside Me.

"Bass me!!! .... I've been bassed!!!"

"I'm gonna die on this plane!"

Someone says, "Stop picking your nose Nick!" Nick replies, "I'm not picking my nose!" AJ says, "Your picking more than your nose man!"

"Nick, it's your shoes Nick. Oh hey! I beeped, and they felt me up with that little thingy. It was great!"

"I gotta get to a bathroom!"

Narrorator says, "Oh and Nicky's playing with something." AJ say in reply, "Probably himself!"

"I wanna see some babes!"

Someone says, "Have you ever cut through human flesh and scraped the back side of the bone?" AJ pauses for a moment and says, "Never really had the chance but i probably would if i ever got the opportunity."- I know that hardly no one has heard this one but it was a sound clip that someone sent me, and im not sure where she got it and it wasnt a real conversation. Im pretty someone did it with some sort of thingy-majiger but it sounded really cute!

I like to make people happy and please everyone at the same time, but its not easy I've got a really big heart but sometimes it gets in the way and I trip over it.

