Haiku Space

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The following is old and for historical purposes.

©Copyright 09/20/02004 Fresh Ink

The invisible
center of a silent scream
whispers of Haiku.

Woven tapestry
a Gordian knot and cart
tells a simple tale.

The innocent fool
surfing the functions of phi
never knowing why.

Tiny pink nipple
protruding from her bosom
In the pale moonlight

Learn how to learn how
with innocent inquiry
to learn how to learn.

A belief-habit:
what we do not scrutinize
is doubt-resistant.

Life in defiance
of thermodynamic law
surfs the endless wave.

Idiot wisdom
studied spontaneity
learned ignorance.

Passing like a dream
the melancholy sadness
lost in translation.

©Copyright 03/16/02004 Fresh Ink

Acquiescent nod
extinguishes nameless candle.
Descent sans dissent.

The roles that we play
live on after we depart
in our descendents.

Hide the emptiness
behind shiny packaging
Landfill Destiny.

Getting burned by war
you fight fire with fire
burning everything.

Hiding good fortune
keeping the chuckle within
a blank expression.

Your heart shines brightly
through the smile of your eyes
in the pale moonlight.

Kick a keg of beer.
To defend the right to drink,
draught a pint to war!

Within all of us
the universal spirit
loving joyousness.

Waiting for dinner
at the chinese restaurant
fried calamari.

Lost in the middle
won'dring where you were going
when you wound up here.

an acronym vinagrette
for your brain salad.

©Copyright 10/28/02003 Fresh Ink

A breath of fresh air
rising from valleys of noise
peaks in the landscape.

©Copyright 10/08/02003 Fresh Ink

Novelty fishing
pen scratching paper surface
Beside the water.

Chasing it's shadow
passing through the eternal
autumn comes again .

©Copyright 10/06/02003 Fresh Ink

Without foundation
technobabble cannot stick
eyes will glaze over.

©Copyright 05/11/02003 Fresh Ink

Top down not robust
a single point of failure
for the fallible.

No blind watchmaker
the cathedral is built
from the bottom up.

The heart's pacemaker
the sinoatrial node

Wond'rous magic heart
three billion beats a lifetime
still finds time for love.

These United States
from many emerge The One

Mathematical theme
self-organizing order
one out of many.

million mindless metronomes
emerge The Great Work.

no maestro is required
to make great music.

Order from chaos
spontaneous emergence

and evolution - both right!

Evolving knowledge
destroyed by any failure
Lifted by success.

Rocket Scientist
spaceage jet fuel genius
absent minded fool.

Lesson for the wise:
God is a verbal problem
avoid at all cost.

The Network Shaman
ethereal ethernet's
servant guardian.

Black magic voodoo
Border Gateway Protocol
road map to the net.

©Copyright 04/22/02003 Fresh Ink

Born in a vacuum
a pocket inside the whirl
always affected.

Alway affected
this brave desire to learn
chance to be remade.

Chance to be remade
the risk of being the fool
all for everything.

All for everything
the leap over the abyss
beyond all beyond.

Beyond all beyond
the temple of the gnosis
born in a vacuum.

©Copyright 04/11/02003 Fresh Ink

Wicked ownership
liberate the copyright
set the future free.

Boots on the ground
a cake walk into Baghdad
serpent sheds its tail.

©Copyright 03/19/02003 Fresh Ink

Slightly retarded
sublime disability
flashes of genius.

Lotus of the mysteries.
Jewel of the Gods.

©Copyright 09/03/02002 Fresh Ink

PID of one
the init service rules
other processes.

ps - af
enumerates processes
with PID 1.

When the system boots
the Kernel doesn't work right
you will not get far.

The Kernel essence:
provide an environment
for everything else.

2.8m lines of code
yet very stable.

In the sweat lodge of
post neo-paganism,
the spirit seeker.

the familiarity
of our ignorance.

©Copyright 04/16/02002 Fresh Ink

I once took an oath
to value life, long before
I was even born.

Mystery of life:
it must consume life to live
yet, life flourishes.

©Copyright 12/09/02001 Fresh Ink

Welcome to contempt
the humble abode of those

©Copyright 11/27/02001 Fresh Ink

In the mind of man
stretching through the end of time
the last dinosaur.

Feeling your sad heart
so close yet so far apart
we will never meet.

It does not seem right
your stopping at a green light
on an empty street.

Once in a while
re-inventing the wheel
makes a better car.

If I had the means
to give birth to these grand dreams
they would not be lost.

©Copyright 09/09/02001 Fresh Ink

hallmark of the universe
and the observer.

There is no escape
from the unavoidable
eternal moment.

What is being sought
does not exist in language
yet the piper plays.

Rescued from the war
of white noise generators
a moment of peace.

No room at the booth
crowded surreality
fifth wheel gets the ditch.

©Copyright 08/10/02001 Fresh Ink

All roads lead to Rome.
Everyone goes to Heaven,
some by way of Hell.

©Copyright 07/14/02001 Fresh Ink

Mad uptight people
scurrying hurredly about
smothering the world.

Please enjoy this goof
we share with you within this
eternal moment.

A world full of hate
will never let us find peace
until we forgive

A world full of fear
will never let us find trust
until we foursquare.

A world full of lies
will never let us find truth
until we forsee.

A world full of pain
will never let us find rest
until we forget.

©Copyright 07/13/02001 Fresh Ink

Doing all we can
often just other words for
nothing we can do.

Afraid to say why.
Afraid to say why I am
afraid to say why.

©Copyright 06/28/02001 Fresh Ink

Passing laws to solve
your problems are a handful
with salt not sugar.

©Copyright 12/08/02000 Fresh Ink

Election from hell.
Democratic mockery
disguised as justice.

When mind is closed
truth becomes irrelevant
and facts be damned.

©Copyright 10/31/02000 Fresh Ink

Belief falls like words
into the pit of because
enslaving the mind.

We are not so bright
to have nothing left to learn
But we do our best.

You shoot from the hip
the quick flash of your short fuse
right between the eyes.

©Copyright 10/11/02000 Fresh Ink

Odd coincidence
beyond what we think we know

©Copyright 10/10/02000 Fresh Ink

"Corner, Side, Middle"
A proverb to help you play,
the game called Baduk.

Never trust the man
who moves the table before
the start of a game.

Mark-up for the World Wide Web's
Cross-platform playground.

A Global Village,
the on-line community.
World Wide Wonderland.

So much left to do
that nothing ever gets done
'till it is too late.

Looking for people
who think just what you tell them,
trying to fit in.

Now-a-days we try
to put our thoughts within the
form of a Haiku.

©Copyright 10/02/02000 Fresh Ink

Caught in the middle.
Innocence. Expendible

©Copyright 10/01/02000 Fresh Ink

Whispers in the ghost
a sense or premonition
of what soon might be.

We try to have zeal
without overzealousness
sometimes we succeed.

©Copyright 09/10/02000 Fresh Ink

Caring, loving, heart
selflessly giving it's all
does not seek reward.

Seeking no reward,
lusting not after results,
a soul finds its way.

No security
is secure. All else is not.
Caveat Emptor.

The Law is for all.
Love and Will as One shall be
the whole of the law.

©Copyright 08/19/02000 Fresh Ink

It is not the air
but the breath that takes you there
there and back again.

©Copyright 08/17/02000 Fresh Ink

Simple yet sublime
Golden patterns in the sand
washed away with time.

The First Amendment:
mostly for the liar's tongue
sometimes for the truth.

If you are afraid
to challenge what you believe
then your faith is week.

©Copyright 08/16/02000 Fresh Ink

Novelty unfolds
geometrically faster
to infinity.

Calm tranquility
in the center of the storm:

©Copyright 08/08/02000 Fresh Ink

Each step makes a trail
and a journey to unfold;
a grand mystery.

Communicate not
by words or oppinion
but by love and will.

First comes how, then why.
Once you figure how it's done,
then, why you did it.

Mosquitoes filled with
hidden baggage from the Nile
spread across the land.

Reggae music vibes
bring joyous celebration.
Jah Rastafari.

Please enjoy this goof
we share with you with candor
may it bring you joy

Further Haiku Spaces

A visit to the space where Haikus come from with, The Genuine Haiku Generator
All the news that fits Haiku Headlines

©Copyright 08/08/02000 Fresh Ink