Peace Equals Love Times Happiness Squared

Formula for peace: ☮=♥2

☮ = peace, freedom from war; sustained calm and tranquility.
♥ = love, a state characterized by care, compassion and consideration.
☺ = happiness, a state characterized by sustained and sustainable contentment, or joy.

☮=♥☺2 means peace equals love times happiness squared.

Paradoxically, happiness for its own sake, ☺1, leads not to happiness but to suffering.
Only Happiness squared, ☺2, can create true and lasting happiness. Happiness squared means caring about others, karuna (करुणा) or compassion. It means the greatest act of selfishness is selflessness and it works on the basic fundamental principle that a rising tide raises all ships. It means, at the very least, treating others with dignity and respect because “The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” [Matthew 25:40].

It is also found in The Parable of the Rich Fool [Luke 12:13-21].

But while happiness squared does lead to happiness, it is not sustainable because by itself it does not lead to peace. Without love, it sadly leads to sectarianism, division, us and them; and this invariably leads to conflict and war. But when we can learn to be inclusive, when our decisions include everyone, when everyone’s success is shared by everyone else and no one is left behind, when we have love times happiness squared, then at last we can begin to develop sustainable methods of ensuring lasting peace and tranquility. Both our long-term survival on Earth and our smooth transition to an interplanetary species depend on it.

Thus, peace equals love times happiness squared.

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