The Fictionary Prodenda Page

updated: 03/18/02015
No ado necessary. Peace, love and freshness be with you!

Extropalgia: A fond reflection, thought or memory about the future. For example, Yogi Berra’s quote “The future ain't what it used to be,” is an expression of extropalgia.

Transentimentality: A high regard or refined feeling toward the ever extending wave of probabilites rippling outward from now and its near endless interplay between choice and chance, free will and predetermination, or lack thereof.

Postminiscence: The act or process of recalling future experiences.

Subsequenthos: A mawkish desire to imagine what will happen next.

Futuriographia: A record or chronicle of future histories

Prodenda: Additional material or growth extending outwards as substitute for, or in addition to, previous editions or statements to the contrary.

Antidenda: 1.) A list of omissions of, or promises not to read, materials or selections of material already published or available for publication. 2.) Postactive redaction.

Postactive: From here on, pretend you do or don’t see this or that we did or didn’t used to do that.

One of the great celebrations of The Fictionary is the living word, the ability of language to grow and evolve, to find fertile ground and flourish. For, one of the many fictions of language is that it remains static, i.e. that language does not change. Dictionaries have a certain posture to them that make them seem authoritative and writ in stone, but they are not. They change too. The Fictionary celebrates this, and as inspiration and time permits, we join in this celebration with these many new additions to our vlast and vagueried flexicon. As ever, enjoy!

updated: 09/20/02004

Malapropriatism: 1.) A ludicrous confusion set apart for a specific mis-use 2.) This misapplication of a word exlcusivley for oneself. 3.) A conceited catachresis

Allegory: A literary construct used to discuss or present other literary constructs.

Common-sense: 1.) That which we believe to be true, so long as we do not need to doubt it 2.) That which we know to be true, so long as we do not need to explain it 3.) That which is patently obvious, so long as we do not need to look

Choice: An illusion born from the absence of compassion, conscience, or sense of service or duty

Universe: An n-dimensional labyrinth through which life navigates

CRUD: Crappy Ruminations from Unenlightened Digidiots

Digidiot: 1.)One of the many denizens of the World Wide Web 2.) One who believes it must be true if they read it on the Internet

Box: A place to store things out of sight and out of mind

Irregodless: Without disregard to God

Testiphony: One who bears false witness with plenty of bull

updated: 02/20/02004

cyberilia: Momentos, memorabilia and other artifacts which are entirely digital in nature and have no existence beyond the electronic world of the computer and The Internet.

nafta: 1.) take you at your word, which you know is false, but you do it anyway because it makes you FTW-rich. 2.) a treaty agreeing to screw everything up in a civilized manner 3.) concede without proof, out of respect or with egg on one's face.

Vagueried: To make all the more incomprehensible through hard work and effort.

Vlast: far and wide and endangered

ATMN8: To manifest cash from a machine with a card and a PIN.

PIN: a code which, when manually entered, is used to authenticate all the personal data - your medical, school, legal, public and private records - contained on the magnetic strip on the back of your card and/or in a chip contained therein. By entering this code you are bascially saying, yup. That's me! Usually, as a reward, vouchers are given which may be redeemed at all government sactioned malls and food courts.

Poindexterity: 1.) skilled and practiced ineptitude, professional clodishness and coke-bottle glasses. 2.) a rating system based on the measure of your ability to know just enough to really screw things up

Copastatic: the charged drift of an electric point.

neo-conazis: 1.) a radical, right-wing alien race called PNAC 2.) anger-junkies feeding on their need to rule the world by force and with ruthless abandon 3.) fearful white men who will take you with them when they fall. 4.) those who cling to ideology above all else, because it is the only thing left which keeps them warm.

Statutory: writ in stone or plaster of paris.

virtuosity: 1.) the moment when skill is raised to the level of self-adulation 2.) a story where composition, meaning, and relevance is lost to superficial meanderings and empty plattitudes 3.) a simulation so real, so transcendant, you'll wish reality came with upgrades.

Primortal: a delicate, fragile, porcelain universe, dancing on the edge of oblivion.

updated: 08/17/02003

Jocumolecular: 1.) modular auto-assembling humor reduced to it's basic crypto-memetic components 2.) configurations of comedic elements in a stable self replicating matrix.

Driving: Gambling that the unexpected won't happen.

Hedonite: Almost a hedonist but not quite and not for lack of trying.

updated: 04/15/02003

Genius: A form of mental retardation which tends to over-compensate for it's inherent disabilities in some areas with greater abilities in others.

D.O.P.E.S.: 1.) The Department Of Pre-Emptive Strikes. 2.) L. Ron Rumsfeld's new name for the Department Of Defense.

Philoshitical: 1.) Transcendental Manure 2.) Many so-called expert opinions and authoritative explanations.

Cybermyth: Electronically height-enhanced tale. 2.) Email which propagates through false promises or tales of an untrue or factually negligent nature.

Cybermythic: Transcendent electronically enhanced tale.

Nukulate: To drop a nukular bomb on your ass.

Nukular: of or pertaining to the nukulous of an a-bomb.

Nukulous: The radioactive core of a nukular device.

Mnopedia: A work of reference many books short of a set.

Chiroimpractical: bone cracking on the web.

Administraitor: Backstabbing mini-micro-managing turncoat.

Specialist: Over qualified barbarian with poorly rounded ignorance.

Commonsensual: 1.) Group feelings and gropings. 2.)Collective kinethesiastic response to profligate auto-erogenous tactile stimulation.

Kinesthesiastic: excitable condition of super-sensitive semi-spastic response.

updated: 04/15/02002

Walmortification: The de-countrification of un-developed land for the purpose of conveniencing urban sprawl by selling stuff made mainly in China.

Gymsu: Slices, dices and trims fat in only 30 minutes a day. No cooking required! Patent pending.

updated: 03/26/02002

Sight: The ability to reduce or think you have reduced uncertainty through attention and focus

Money: The drug by which all other drugs are purchased.

Rez of War: A document full of deadly skills and lethal qualifications

Insecurity: A fear or sense of humility which may or may not be true and/or well-founded

Tragedies: Dead loved ones

Flavorites: Tasty loved ones

Epiphanamy: Like sudden enlightenment but with an extra Carbon group

Disnefication: The dismattling and replacing of the world with a Politically Correct Theme Park, complete with long lines, satelite surveilance, and the installation of anti-piracy technology designed to make you pay every time.

updated: 01/11/02002

Ipso Defacto: by the fact of actually exercising power (government); by the very nature of actually existing (segregation)

Nukular Power: 1.) A source of power that can be regulated by barons, like oil, or used to keep civilization civilized, like guns. 2.) A radioactive redneck

Clintessential: Another must have Clint Eastwood movie for the DVDeviant's DVD collection.

DVDeviant: Any DVD addict cultivating a collection.

updated: 09/09/02001

Mind: The space in RAM in which programs are loaded and run

Thoughts: The output and/or processing of programs run in RAM

RAM: The space in mind in which programs are loaded and run.

Go/Baduk: A game designed to stimulate and test one's ability to explore the multiverse.

Masterperturbation: an unpleasant disruption and/or interuption from pleasure, usually performed alone

Defibulator: A device which stops a fibulator from fibulating.

Fibulator: A machine which fibulates

Fibulate: To produce fibs

Fib: a bit of disinformation

Silence: The quieting of some sounds so as to hear others.

Sapistry: The turning of stinky cheese into a multi-movie Hollywood franchise.

Enwhoresment: a gleeming recommendation paid for in advance

Randdendum: unorganized and/or stochastic afterthoughts tacked on later, or not, unless, parenthetically, ipso defacto. :

updated: 08/15/02001

Middle Eysteria: A geographic phenomenon in which all the anger and hostility in the world becomes so focused on one spot that it may well destroy us all.

updated: 08/12/02001

Wassupwidat: 1.) What is up with that? 2.) One of an array of surprise-neurons which occassionally register awareness or concern for things or processes which fail to conform to certain preconceptions or dogmas 3.) A non-sequitor expressing shock or dismay.

Belief: an accepted yet unprovable assumption

Jist: mental effluvium

Reprobationers: 1.) Those who are always on probation 2.)Initiates into a morally unprincipled secret society or religious cult

Axioms: 1.) Assumptions no one dares to refute 2.) Beliefs which have broken a man's will to disbelieve 3.) A tangled hierarchy of strange loops which lead nowhere but which convince you that you're not lost.

Aggressive-Passives: 1.) Those who fight for the right to belong or are willing to perform unspeakable acts of violence and cruelty in order to fit in and be a member of a group or in-crowd. 2.) Those who would betray their own mothers just to be accepted for who they are.

Genius: (Dickens) The infinite capacity for taking pains

Navigatrix: A woman hell bent on telling men where they can go and how they can get there.

updated: 07/14/02001
Cameradery: 1.) a fellowship of the lens. 2.) peppy picture posers.

Progress: that moment when all your problems have been solved and replaced with a whole new set of problems.

updated: 06/28/02001
Prolifersuffocation: the method by which a species destroys itself through massive overpopulation and poverty.

Car de Sac: a labyrhythmic dead end in the stochastic fluctuations of traffic.

Bull Chitlins: a meal of malarky

Bullogna: heavy duty Craparoni

Craparoni: hearty Bullogna

Labyrhythm: 1.)The formula by which is computed just how intractable or uncomputable something is. 2.) The degree to which the chaos factor or quantum fluctuations, existing at or below the Plank Constant, blow up standardized probability fields into seething mazes of improbability and weirdness.

Illuminaughty: A secret society of dirty old men and women

Tempermint: a breath freshener known for it's biting emotional restraint

Consciousness: A tool of the unconscious for arriving at conscience.

updated: 03/22/02001
Epiphanonymous: 1.)a crowded moment 2.) A moment in a crowd

Pestomer: a bothersome shopper who gives clerks a hard time and never buys anything.

SandBox: a playground for NERDS and computer geeks

Passive-Aggressive: Someone who asks you a question and then attacks your answer.

Progress: happiness and satisfaction at no one else's expense.

True-Believers: those who lack the critical thinking to doubt anything they are told, or so they are told.

updated: 12/24/02000
RamaHanukwanzaPanchaGanapatmas: A single religious holiday celebrated by those who happen to belong to five different Religions and who occassionally share five different religious holidays at the same time: Islam, Ramadan; Judism, Hanukah; African-American, Kwanzaa, Hinduism, Pancha Ganapati, and Christian, Christmas.

updated: 12/07/02000
Antidisenfranchisementarianism: 1.) An ideology and course of action opposed to the disenfranchisement of an isolated group in favor of the disenfranchisement of a greater whole. 2.) A crusade by the Oil Barons in which they stole an election from the people while telling them it was to protect the voters.

Belief: an often fervently promoted interpretation of the truth.

Unpresidented: 1.)A moment in history without president. 22.) A Moment in US history without an elected president.

updated: 11/27/02000
Floridiots: those people from Palm Beach who were ridiculed as being too stupid to know how to vote

Wintimidation: how the bad guys always win.

Demockery: A political system ruled by hypocrisy and lies where, in an election, the votes don't really count

vocabulous: of or having wonderful vocabularity

Colloquialiscious: Tasty informalisms dipped in chocolate

Gnostucks: Those who have penetrated the deepest of secret mysteries, arrived at the sanctum sanctorum of the holiest of holies, and now can't get back out.

Dinosaurian: one who believes mankind was better off back before he ever existed.

Beeramid: A formation of cups in Beruit, a beer drinking game

Fraudit: 1.) An examination performed by the Imitation Revenue Service 2.) A false or inaccurate count.

Tofurkey: A soybean sculpture served on Thanksgiving by deranged, potentially homicidal, Veganauts.

updated: 10/24/02000
Barnstorming: What you do when you need ideas but are fresh out of brains

Edumacation: Half of what you get when you're too busy to get the facts

updated: 10/03/02000
Dawayadawoyald: The way of the world

Synchronicity: 1.)A momentary gliche in the program in which virtuality slips into surreality 2.)A causal connection between unconnected events 3.) Feedback from the Cosmos

Conspiracy: 1.)To breathe together 2.) A respiratory ailment suffered by the justifiably paranoid 3.) Unauthorized communications between isolated compartments

Trustafarian:(Coloradian Colloquialism) A dirty Dreadlocks wearing hippy kid living off his trust fund

Coloradian: The fastest growing social group in America that doesn't like Californicators.

Californicator: Someone from California who plops down in Colorado and reproduces.

Colloquialism:1.)Something you can sometimes choke on when trying to communicate 2.)An informalism only spoken behind one's back.

Informalisms:1.)Verbal liberties 2.) Inside Jokes

Impropriety:1.)A liberty taken without consent 2.)Something done without permission

Juxtaposition:What happens when your participles get tangled

Liberty: What you are allowed to do

Veganauts:1.)Meatless Spacecases 2.)Those for whom Animal Products are okay, as long as they're not eaten.

Individunation: The political boundary of the Sovereign Individual

Indivisual:A seeing so seemless that there is no boundary between the seer and the seen

Subliminal: 1.)Something so sublime and potentially insidious that you may only be aware of it through freeze-frame and play-back, or the efforts of others who have too much time on their hands 2.)Everything moving at less than the speed of light which escapes your detection 3.)The stuff they play on elevators that turns people into Manchurian Candidates.

Rogues: 1.)Those who may at times appear to be off on their own, in their own world, or operating outside of the envelope, box or owner's manual. 2.)Those who like to learn certain things for themselves although not neccessarily to everyone else's liking.

Rogue Scholars:1.)Those who continue to think outside of the box and discover new thoughts and ways of thinking. 2.)Those who, in learning, teach others and, in teaching others, learn new things, but not necessarily according to convention or accepted standard proceedure.

Puppet Relations: The information sources of United Spin International and Associated Spin.

updated: 09/04/02000
Nicofiend:a non-stop chain-smoking patch-wearing gum chewing Cigaraddict.

Cigaraddict:a non-stop chain-smoking patch-wearing gum chewing Nicofiend.

friend:someone for whom familiarity does not breed contempt

totem pole: a device used for the prioritization of tasks, the ranking of dogs, and the understanding of the food chain

updated: 06/28/02000
Resumeme: a document of self replicating ideas used to sell one's self to others

Addiction:A buzzword usually used to make people feel guilty for the things they enjoy doing or for which they cannot stop doing.

Hirstory: A story of the past but from neither a patriarchal or matriarchal point of view

Iconoscholastic:Of or relating to the school of sacrilege

Eth O's:A crunchy cereal made from high moral fiber

Jerkoff:One who derives self-gratification from being a dick

GeekSpeak:A vocabulary composed entirely of A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.s

De Ja News: re-current events we've all heard before

Flustercluck:The sound a chicken makes when she is upset

A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.:Alphabetic Collection of Really Obscure Nonsense and Yammering Mumbo-jumbo

updated: 05/ 02/02000

Vocabularity: 1.) Jocular Jingo 2.) the ficspeak of fictions 3.) a flexicon of flubulous flapinations

Ficspeak: what fictions say when spoken to.

Flubulous: the fluff content flubber

Flapination:1.)what you're supposed to listen to but don't 2.) An exercise of the jaw

Glossolaliary: 1.) Ecstaspeak alphabetically listed 2.)Lunicode

Ecstaspeak: 1.)The verbiage of Glossolalatarians 2.) The Babble of Güfi Mystics

Glossolalatarian: one who speaks in lunicode

Lunicode: a language establisted by the Lunicode Consortium for the purposes of humor and looniness.

updated: 04/ 16/02000

Occam's Razor: the scientific instinct to search for the simplest, easiest answer.

e-Mites: electronic infestations which like to chatter away on old hard drives

Ubiqwitty: 1.) Objective Comedy 2.)That which celebrates or is one with the Omnigoof

Omnigoof: 1.) The primordial stuff at the center of all things 2.) The fundamental component of Ubiqwitty

Profligate: 1.)Those who are remembered for their garbage 2.) To promote public lewdity as a way of life

Prognosis: 1.) The ability to use of a Guru to speculate about the future 2.)one in favor of enlightenment as a probable course.

Velot:Bike racing enthusiast whose moral superiority is distinguished solely by the expense of his gear.

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updated: 3/ 26/02000
Octogenperviant: Dirty old people.

Rules: 1.) The formalization of formula 2.) The means by which the game is played 3.) That which are made to be broken 4.)That which when followed to their logical conclusion produce deterministic results.

Love: What you give not what you get.

Knuckledragger: Plank-footed Ape.

Memory Pig: non-scalable software

Crap Happy: 1.) Fecal Freedom 2.) How you feel after your Drop Load Superviser successfully completes the mission

WYSINWIT:What You See Is Not What Is There.

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updated: 3/ 6/02000
Fragmegration:(R. Wright, NonZero) phenomena in which fragmentation and integration occur simultaneously

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updated: 3/2/02000
Astronaughty: Space Invader

Crazy: Someone not brave enough to be totally insane.

Gamut: Not as bad as a Gauntlet

Gauntlet: Worse than a Gamut

Cidiots: 1.)A fish in a SCUBA suit 2.)Ghettolectuals out past city limits 3.) The common without common sense