Güfi Temple

Celebrating the Big Goof

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Formula for peace: ☮=♥☺2

☮ = peace, freedom from war; sustained calm and tranquility.
♥ = love, a state characterized by care, compassion and consideration.
☺ = happiness, a state characterized by pleasure, contentment, or joy.

☮=♥☺2 means peace equals love times happiness squared. Happiness squared means caring about others, sharing in their joys and spreading good will, regardless of opposing affiliation, difference or indifference. It means the greatest act of selfishness is selflessness and it works on the basic fundamental principle that a rising tide raises all ships. It means, treat others with dignity and respect because “The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” Matthew 25:40

But our most immediate concern, our current plight, is that there is no longer a sustainable path to the future in a world where there is no peace. Spreading good will without love leads to sectarianism, division; and this invariably leads to conflict and war. But when we can learn to be inclusive, when our decisions include everyone, when everyone’s success is shared by everyone else and no one is left behind, then at last we can begin to develop sustainable methods of ensuring lasting peace and tranquility. Both our long-term survival on Earth and our smooth transition to an interplanetary species depend on it.

Thus, peace equals love times happiness squared.


When happiness is shared, it spreads and grows and when joined by love, this grand effect can lead to lasting peace and tranquility.

Peace = love times happiness squared. Meaning, being self-centered, caring only about your own happiness doesn't lead to happiness or peace.

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Updated: 052802017

Gallery of Freshness

Schrodinger's Fundamentalist

Colloquy d'etat










©Copyfresh 01998-92317. Fresh Ink. All rights reserved

Güfism: A comedo-spiritual movement based in part on the idea that the universe is a Big Goof as set forth in the Four Big Goofs: 1.) The universe is a Big Goof 2.) The cause of suffering is resistance to the Big Goof 3.) Resistance is caused by taking things seriously 4.) By avoiding seriousness you can become one with the Big Goof

Other Goofs


Now available now on Amazon!

The Fictionary: A vocabulous flexicon of jocu-molecular jingo and colloquialiscious flapinations in the key of G, again! by Düg Fresh ©Copyright 2013 A Thousand and One Appalachian Tales by Düg Fresh ©Copyright 2011

         The Fictionary                                A Thousand and One Appalachian Tales

Archived posts:

I am very excited and pleased to announce that The Fictionary: A Vocabulous Flexicon of Jocumolecular Jingo and Colloquialicious Flapinations in the Key of G by Düg Fresh is now available for purchase! It can be purchased online at iUniverse, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble or by special order at your local bookstore.

Please support us so that we may continue to publish more material. Future projects include The Fresh Digest, Peaks in the Landscape: A Selection of Fresh Haiku, and A Thousand and One Appalachian Tales. All proceeds will go towards my retirement, so that I may devote my full attention to the development of The International Peace Trail Project.


Celebrating the Big Goof since 01997

The State of the Goof

Eclectic Rants

A Guide to Knowns and Unknowns

©Copyright 06/19/02002 Fresh Ink. All rights reserved

Types of Unknown Unknowns:
  1. Classic: these convey similar properties having no unusual unknown unknown qualities, at least that are known.
  2. Dynamic: these travel through various modalities and/or morph between various unknown unknown quantities, never settling on anything that cannot even not be known.
  3. Advanced: complex, static and dynamic unknown unknowns often displaying unpredictable unpredictable qualities.
  4. Metalogical: abstract unknown unknowns and the elements which comprise various quantities and qualities of unknown unknowns, or at least as far as can be imagined.
  5. Irrational: non-existent unknown unknowns which are nevertheless cause for concern due to the fact that we don't know that they are non-existent and often believe in fact that they are.
  6. Supra-rational: of or pertaining to the set of all unknown unknowns as cataloged by the unknown unknowns who know of them.
  7. Trans-dimensional: localized space-time singularities and/or wormholes created by unknown unknowns operating in tandem
we hope that this has been helpful. Any time somebody tells you "you don't know what you don't now", now you can tell them this... that is all.


re. Irrational def:

mathmatical def says they are known unknowns, such as PI and e. we know they exist but cannot know their numeric value. ie., these are irrational numbers.

A Sample Test Question for Potential System Engineers

You need to connect A to B, C to D, E to F.

The required result is to connect A to B
The first optional result is to connect C to D
The second optional result is to connect E to F

Proposed Solution: Connect A to B, C to D, E to G

Does the Proposed Solution:
a) Meet the required result and both optional results
b) Meet the required result and one optional result
c) Meet the required result and no optional results
d) The Proposed Solution does not meet the required result.

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Other Goofs

Tom Tomorrow

The Onion

The Darwin Awards

The Ig™ Nobel Prizes

The Postmodernism Generator

News of the Weird

DigiCrime, Inc.

The Drudge Retort

Spud Server

The Genuine Haiku Generator

Llama Links

Think it's just a pie in the sky? That would be counter-intuitive!

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