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Role of the Imams in the Reconstruction of Islamic Society

The story of the life of the Imams provides enough evidence to show that they paid special attention to the interests of the ummah and dedicated their whole life to the guidance of society.

Anyhow, we must remember that the Imams did not secure the leadership of the muslim Ummah just by chance. Nor did they get this position simply because of their kinship with the Holy Prophet SAWS. There were many others who were also likewise related to the Holy Prophet SAWS, but none of them could obtain a similar position. Actually it was because of their devotion to the Ummah and their earnest efforts for the cause of Islam that the Shia community accepted them whole heartedly as its Imams. Though the governments of the caliphs did their utmost to prevent the imams from assuming its leadership, the ummah still accepted them as its leaders.

The people saw how the Imam worked hard for their cause. They genuinely believed that he was of them and for them. Every moment felt his presence . He was there to solve all their problems. They observed how he protected the human mission of society. It was because of this knowledge and feeling that the leadership of the Imams was accepted. For this very reason Ali (A.S) became the ideal of the people, who revolted against Usman. The same story was repeated during the times of all the Imams.

Imam Musa(Peace be Upon Him), the seventh Imam said to Harun-ur-Rashid:

"Harun, you should know that you rule over the bodies of the people, but I rule over their hearts".

What Abdullah ibn Hassan said to Imam Sadiq(A.S) is a living witness to this fact. When Abdullah wanted that people should pledge their allegiance to his son Muhammed, he came to Imam Sadiq (A.S) and said:

"If you accept my plea and pledge your allegiance, none will hesitate to do the same. No two persons, whether from among the Quraysh or the non-Quraysh, will be found to be disagreeing with me".

This statement shows how devoted the people were to their rightful Imams. Their devotion was the result of the special intrest which the Imams took in the welfare of the Ummah and the hardships which they endured for the cause of Islam and the Muslims.

Think of the well-known incident of Islamic history which incited the noted Arab poet, Farazdaq to recite his celebrated ode in respect of Imam Zain ul-Abideen (Imam Sajjad) (Peace be upon Him), the fourth Imam. The incident shows clearly that the grandeur of Hisham's government and his power could neither endear him to the hearts of the people nor persuade them to make way for him to the Black Stone.

On the other hand, the spiritual influence of the holy family was so overwhelming that as soon as Imam Zain ul-Abideen (peace be upon him) arrived in the precints of the House of Allah, the people went aside and left the way open for the Imam to kiss the Black Stone with ease and comfort.

History says that once angry people raided Mamun's palace, protesting against the treatment meted out to their eigth Imam, Imam Raza (peace be Upon Him). Mamun was so frightened that he had to seek to help of the Imam himself to pacify the people.

Addressing Mamun, the Imam said:

"For the way you treat the Muslim ummah and for the way you rule, you should have fear of Allah. You have ignored the intrests of the Muslims and have entrusted their affairs to the persons who are unfit for the job. Injunctions of Allah in respect of the Muslims are being overlooked".

These are some examples of the popular leadership of the Imams in the society in which they lived. Their special intrest in the affairs of the ummah shows that our Imams played a positive role in their society and that they energetically and effectively defended Islam and guided the Muslims.

Article taken from a book Published by the Islamic Seminary, Written by Ayatullah Baqir As-Sadr. Transalated by M.A.Ansari. Title of the Book "Islamic Political System".

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