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It is possible to study the life of the Imams from another angle and reach the same conclusion at which we arrived in our foregoing discussion. We know that the activities of the Imams, especially during the period of their Imamate extremely scared the governments of the day. The hearts of the rulers were filled with terror. That is why they always kept the Imams under a strict surveillance and tried at every cost to sever their contact with the people. When all this control and watch failed to produce any result, they resorted to putting the Imams to death.

It was not a mere chance that the tyrants took all these actions. Did they kill the Imams just as a pastime? Naturally the answer is in the negative. Had the role of the Imams in society not been positive, the criminal minded rulers would not have risked their honour and prestige by committing such heinous acts.

Actually the criminal minded rulers were aware of the situation very well. They knew from which side they were threatened. They saw the positive and active role of the Imams in its true perspective, and so decided to put them to death in cold blood.

The Imams martydoms, banishment and imprisonments are a living testimony to the fact that every moment of their life was devoted to effort, activity and the promotion of their movement.

Article taken from a book Published by the Islamic Seminary, Written by Ayatullah Baqir As-Sadr. Transalated by M.A.Ansari. Title of the Book "Islamic Political System".

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