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Role of the Imams in the Reconstruction of Islamic Society


We know that the common goal of our Imams through out their life was the protection of Islamic society from deviation and decadence. This point, as we have explained, implies several aspects of their common role. But there is one aspect to which we have not reffered so far. It is the aspect of their continuous supervision of the special education and training of their followers.

The Imams of the Shia always maintained a direct contact with their followers, and totally controlled their conduct. On many occasion they gave support to their position in society. They made strenuous efforts to widen the outlook of their followers to the level of the faithful and responsible soldiers and zealous pioneers knowing their duty and being willing to lay down their lives for Islam.

This is not a mere passing assertion. A little study of the life of the Imams will show with what zeal and fervour they supervised their followers. Sometimes they paid attention even to their personal differences and financial difficulties.

We come across an example of their intervention in the affairs of their followers in the case of Mualli ibn Khunays. There are many other instances on record about the instructions given by the Imams to their followers concerning their private affairs. Of course, these instructions varied in accordance with the requirements of time, place and the living conditions of those concerned.

We think that this much is enough for the purpose we had in view. We have raised the necessary points to encourage the study of the life of the Imams. It is hoped that this brief discussion will help others make further investigations and open new ways of approach to the Imams' life.

In the end we ask ALLAH to grant that we all become the true followers of our Imams, live under their guidance and abide by the standards fixed by them.

Article taken from a book Published by the Islamic Seminary, Written by Ayatullah Baqir As-Sadr. Transalated by M.A.Ansari. Title of the Book "Islamic Political System".

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