WE WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO Elaine Ervin,breeder of red and yellow selfs.This is a picture of Elaine in the new Loft.THIS IS A YEARLING RED HEN BRED BY ELAINE. Here we introduce you to "TASHA" a very young "GENEPOOLER" Is this a RED or Yellow fantail? Well, It sort of looks like a red, but still, it looks sort of yellow! Well, says somebody;if it's yellow,it's decent colored/even good ; still, It ain't neither.... Meet "GOLDIE" a yrl hen that has a personality all her own.( a GOLD fantail=pale reccessive red) A great showy typed fantail bred down from archangels/black winged. And, Winkles says he has grease quills,so do the Archangels Join the "Genepoolers". It can be a long row to hoe, but, certainly it can be done in less than ones lifetime;contrary to Ron Spencers comment, that it could not be done in a LIFETIME.."VIOLA" The French say it best in Love and Fantails. You must use your very best birds in your color crosses.(tip of the month) Gerald Ballinger is the young aspiring Rare Color breeder. Gerald is coming on line/ We need his youth, his enthusiasm,and his hard work. Remaining in the background was fine! For the Future, though, to the front with his own WEB Page Do it "Gene Pooler" We remember seeing his blue barless FANTAILS about 5 years ago,up on that Mountain/LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN! Bowman noticed the good wing lines and large tails way back when. TODAY, Gerald has ice,milky blue/BARLESS, Fantails We are looking for the "OTHER" GENEPOOL LOFTS and a Brown Tail marked fs//fs(a brown TM with white tail band.?) We also recall thatJIM ERVIN had a very nice brown self hen.She was what Jim called a crossover hen, from his Faded Project .He later Showed brown fantails of excellent type at the DIXIE FANTAIL CLUB SHOW.Roy Winkles was doing the Honors. The Picture is an old brown fantail hen. Some of the best years we have had are History! But, we cannot forget the Home Made Turkey Dinners at the Dixie Banquets during those years. Elaine and Brenda Bowman made them from scratch. We like to think of all this, as history. The best Fantail Shows were DIXIE Fantail Shows. Elaine not only can breed the good self reds;but, she has always been in there assuring success. She does take care of the New Loft that her Husband ,Jim, built for her recently. I was hoping for a picture of this new Loft. It should be added to this web page. Here's Jim..... JIM has a reputation for bringing up a project and then sending it on its way to other Dixie Members. We can remember the Saddle "Culls" given to him to play with.Jim, in three years, took these saddles to heights beyond the best the original breeder had in his loft.IE especially the Dainty Size and ball shaped appearance. Jim also developed blue bars that, at the time, were equivalent to some of the best bars today;as seen in the CFC Bulletin and bred by Bob Vincent. Jim bred lavenders back when RARE colors were forbidden; let alone, the breed crosses required.Now, Jim says to be a "Genepooler" all you need to qualify is one breed cross.. Jim wants you all to join in the Fun Join the "Dixie Fantail Club"and,Join the"THE GENE POOLE" THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION by "The Genepoole" and "FANTALES 1974" trade mark of ESTATE LOFTS since the 1970's TIP OF THE MONTH //Next month! Good weather has arrived....(: You folks ever have a fantail with CRUSTY FEET? THE GENEPOOLE uses Campho-phenique! Drop it on,gently rub it in and loosen the crap; A follow up treatment for the really dry skinned ones is recommended. , It is time to treat for CANKER;if you have already wormed? Jim's method of Worming with Ivermec is to place several drops of "POUR ON" Ivermec,on the squabs belly ,or,at the vent of the adults. DO NOT WORM while breeding. And, not too soon with the squabs.Canker is what to treat for now, that warm weather is coming. Treat for 7 days,and,have A GREAT BREEDING SEASON...... the GENEPOOLE. CLICK on ball for:GERALD BALLINGER and the other home of GENEPOOL LOFTS e mail jim at: jervin@mindspring.net