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Dr. Ali Osman Öncel

List of publications and projects to August 2004

  1. Oncel, A.O., Wilson, T., 2004. Anamalous seismotectonic interrelationships preceding the 1999 Izmit event, NW Turkey, submitted to JGR, 35 pages.
  2.  Oncel, A.O., Wilson, T., 2004.Evaluation of earthquake potential along the Northern Anatolian Fault Zone in the Marmara Sea using comparisons of GPS strain and seismotectonic parameters, in preparation.
  3. Oncel, A.O., Wilson, T., 2004. Correlation of seismotectonic variables and GPS strain measurements in western Turkey, JGR,  30 pages, in press.
  4. Oncel, A.O.,2004. Time-dependent seismic hazard due to 1985 Nahanni earthquakes-induced static stress changes, western Canada, submitted to Geophysical Journal International, 10 pages.
  5. Huang, Q., Öncel, A.O., Sobolev, G.A., 2002. Precursory Seismicity Changes Associated with the M = 7.4 Izmit (Turkey) Earthquake, August 17, 1999, Geophysical Journal International, 151, 235-242.
  6. Öncel, A.O., Wilson, T., 2002. Space-Time Correlations of Seismotectonic Parameters and examples from Japan and Turkey Preceding the Izmit    Earthquake, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, 92, 339-350.
  7. Öncel, A.O.,    Wilson, T., Nishizawa, O.,2001. Size Scaling Relations in the Active Fault Networks of Japan and their correlation with Gutenberg-Richter b-Values, Journal of Geophysical Research-American Geophysical Union,106, 21,827-21,841.
  8. Öncel, A.O., Wyss,    M., 2000. The major asperities of the 1999 M7.4 Izmit earthquake, defined by the microseismicity of the two decades before it, Geophysical Journal International-OXFORD.,143, 501-506.
  9. Kijko, A.., Öncel, A.O., 2000. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Japanese Islands, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake  Engineering-Wessex Institute of Technology, 20, 485-491.
  10. Mostafazadeh, M., Alptekin, Ö., Öncel, A.O., 2000. Body Waveform of Five Moderately Earthquakes in the Zagros Fold Thrust Belt,Vol 2, No 3, pp. 1-11, Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering-IEESC.
  11. Öncel, A.O., Wyss, M., 2000. Mapping the major asperities by minima of local recurrence time before the 1999 M7.4 Izmit earthquake, Book on Izmit earthquake, pp. 1-4, The Izmit and Duzce Earthquakes: preliminary results, Editors: Aykut Barka, Ozgür Kozaci, Serdar Akyüz and Erhan Altunel, Publisher: Istanbul Technical University, ISBN: 975-561-182-7.
  12. Öncel, A.O., LaForge, R., Alptekin, Ö., 2000. Probabilistic Seismic    Hazard for the North Anatolian Fault Zone Based on Areal Sources, Book on Seismic Safety of Big Cities, in press.
  13. Öncel, A.O., Alptekin, Ö., 1999. Effect of aftershocks on estimation of earthquake hazard parameters: An example from the north Anatolian fault zone, Vol 19, 1-11, Natural Hazards-KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS.
  14. Öncel, A.O., Alptekin, Ö., Koral,H.,1998. The Dinar earthquake of october 1, 1996 (Mw=6.2) in southwestern Turkeyand earthquake hazard of the Dinar-Çivril fault, Vol. 152, 91-105, No:2; Pure and Applied Geophysics-BIRKHAUSER.
  15. Öncel,A.O.,Main,I.,Alptekin,Ö.,Cowie,P.,1996. Spatial variations of the fractal properties of seismicity in the Anatolian Fault Zones, Tectonophysics-ELSEVIER, 257, 189-202.
  16. Öncel,A.O.,Main,I.,Alptekin,Ö.,Cowie,P.,1996. Temporal variations of the fractal properties of seismicity in the north Anatolian fault zone between 31°E and 41°E, Vol.146, No.2, , 147-159, Pure and Applied Geophysics-BIRKHAUSER.
  17. Öncel,A.O.,Alptekin,Ö., Main,I.,1995.Temporal variations of the fractal properties of seismicity in the western part of the northAnatolian fault zone:possible artifacts due to improvements in station coverage,Vol.2,147-157, Nonlinear processes in Geophysics-European Geophysical Union.      1.2.TURKISH REFEREED RESEARCH PAPERS
  18. Öncel, A.O., Alptekin, Ö., 1995.Fractal distributionand its application in Seismology, Jeofizik ,10, 11- 316, ISSN 0259-1472.
  19. Koral,H., Öncel,A.O., 1995.Seismological and structuralproperties of Izmit and vicinity, Jeofizik 9, 10;79-82, ISSN 0259-1472.
  20. Alptekin,Ö.,Öncel,A.O.,1993.Effects ofMagnitude Errors in Seismic Risk Estimates and the Seismic Risk in Erzincan and Vicinity,Jeofizik 6,85-102.
  21. Alptekin,Ö.,Öncel,A.O., Yörük,A., 1992. Estimation of Seismic Risk for the North Anatolian Fault Zone by Maximumlikelihood Method, Jeofizik 6,35-53                      
  22. Öncel, A.O., 2000. Microearathquakes in the Estimation of Large Earthquakes- Büyük Depremlerin Tahmininde Mikrodepremler, TÜBITAK, Ekim,90-93.
  23. Öncel, A.O.(1995). Kobe Earthquake and Earthquake Hazard of Istanbul-Kobe earthquake and earthquakehazard in Istanbul, Ultra Magazin, montly Journal, Mach, 1995, pp. 24-31

  1. Oncel, A.O., 2002. Earthquake-induced static stress changes and the 1985 Nahanni earthquakes, Northwest Territories, Canada, American Geophysical Union Meeting, POSTER.
  2. Oncel, A.O., Wilson, T., 2002. The relationship of microplate velocity field to seismotectonic variables: Example from western Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean, Seismological Society of America Meeting, ORAL.
  3. Oncel, A.O., Wilson, T., 2002. Space-time correlations of seismotectonic parameters: Examples from Japan and Turkey preceeding the Izmit earthquake Seismological Society of America Meeting, POSTER.
  1. On Izmit Earthquake, Turkish Journal of BinCicek

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  1. Öncel, A.O; Alptekin, Ö (1999):Microseismicity of Marmara Sea and Seismic Hazard, 1038-250897, 40 pp, completed, supported by Research Foundation of Istanbul University.
  2. The relationship of geodetic strain to seismicity on the Island arc of Japan: Colloborative Research with Dr.Ali Osman Öncel and Thomas Wilson, Submitted to United States Geological Survey, 2002.

  1. Declustered and Corrected Marmara Sea Catalogue (39-42°N and 26-31°E, 1981-1998):Referred to the publication of Oncel and Wyss (2000).
  2. Declustered Catalogue for Turkey (33-45°N and 23-45°E; 1900-1998):Referred to the publication of Oncel and Alptekin (1999)
  3. Declustered Catalogue for Japan (33-45°N and 23-45°E; 1900-1998):Referred to the publication of Oncel, Wilson and Nishizawa (2002)