Jay Robertson
Jay Robertson: This Katie lover is a friend to all Blazer owners.....
He enjoys destroying things on church trips and killing youth leaders......I once slept
with Jay when we were high, tripping, blitzoid, drunk, and tripping on a church trip. He has the habit of putting Taco Bell signs on peoples houses
and adding Christmas lights to make it look better!! He loves "Dont Go Chasing Waterfalls"
and he can be seen time to time dressed up in weird out fits while spending the night at my house!
He is a great guy..although he hit Katie one time for wanting to pet Spang......
She told me he said " Dont mess with Spang and I wont mess with you"! You gotta love his laugh!
We dont see Jay much anymore unless it is Katie-away day, but they do make a great couple!!
MO Profiles!
Email: grippies@yahoo.com