Scott Gates
Scott Gates: Scott Gates is a great man who is always picking up some random hot girl.
He was picked Prom King for Saint James and he enjoys Bubbles( Michael Jacksons chimp)! He onced went to the beach with Gary
and survived Gary's bathroom cleaning with a towel that left his nose clear for days!!
One thing that seperates Scott for other friends is the fact that his Scott's last name must
always be said with his first.....that is just given..Well actually the fact that Scott is the most awkward person when it comes to sports also seperates him from many. he does not throw the football. He pushes it. It is very weird. If you wanna laugh go play football with him. Scott enjoys such much great stuff
like the Beatles that I love him like my own little brother..!! Ask him sometime to do his Jaba the Hutt kicks booty!!