Jeremy Broadfoot
Jeremy Broadfoot: Jeremy is what we like to call a queer. Just Kidding. He doesnt like guys.
I have known Jeremy since 5th or 6th grade. The first time that I spent the night with him he called 1-800-abcdefg. He told the people on the
phone that he could not read and I almost laughed my brain off. That was crazy back in the 6th grade days.
We later attended the same church and we were in the same band together. Actually many bands together. We hope one day to have a band again here at
Auburn so we can have the chicks again. Actually Jeremy gets girls but more in that secret You've Got Mail kinda way. He is a great guy who just got a DUI
but it doesnt slow him down. That is because he is a great guy.........just ask Paulina.
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