Winn Dixie Managers
Winn Dixie Managers: Winn Dixie Managers are as close to being retarded
as you can get. In no way are these people blessed with any talent let alone the simple
skill of understanding what is going on. They have no clue. Infact I am willing to bet that
they dont even know where they are right now. That is how out of touch with reality they are.
At my Winn Dixie I am always scheduled to work days that I cant work. I inform them of this and
they fix it so they say. The next week, I am once again scheduled to work days that I can not. It is almost
funny in a way. They think that they have everything under control and that they are
so cool. We all know that isnt true. They cant keep anything under control and they have no life.
If you are thinking about being stupid and not going anywhere in life.....think about being a Winn Dixie Manager!
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