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Personal Details
My name is Mohammad Younis Hayyan
Jordanian Nationality, My birthday was on July 20,1959
I Married, and I have only one son.(Younis)
My Res. Telephone is 962 2 236167 Work: 971 3 666691

B.SC Major chemistry (good degree)
Miner computer since (Excellent degree)
Yarmok University - Jordan 1981

Arabic (mother tongue), English (v.good in speaking and writing).
Good knowledge in accounting and other financial systems.
Professional in many computer langueges.
Professional user for great number of backages.
Very good knowledg on designing digital control units.
Professional on Marketing and mangement.
Professional on creation ideas and synario for games & educational software.

Work Experience

Control & Software Est. U.A.E (April,1998 - Up to date)
Direct the company
Digital Control Development
Educational Software Delopment
Application Software Development
Coputer Hardware Sales

Bareeq Applied Tech. JORDAN (Jan.,1994 - March, 1998)
General Maneger
Application Software Development
RD division
Educational & games developing center

Sukhtian Group JORDAN (Jan.,1992 - Dec., 1993)
Computer & Control Div. Maneger
RD division
Advertising electronic Panels Manufacturin
Application software developing
Computer hardware sales

Modern Applied Tech. JORDAN (Nov.,1987 - Dec., 1991)
General Maneger
Application Software Development
Educational & Games Development

International Computer System JORDAN (Jan.,1984 - Oct., 1987)
System Analyst
Application Software Development

Munir Sukhtian Company JORDAN (Sep.,1982 - Dec., 1989)
Computer Div. Maneger
Direct central company computer department
Hardware & Software Marketing

Ministry Of Education JORDAN (Sep.,1981 - June, 1982)
Chemistry High School Teacher
Math. High School Teacher

Some Projects I worked as one of the team
Ivoices System for Irbed Electricity Company - Jordan
Accounting and Stock Control system for WASAN company - Jordan Complete financial system - Backage

Projects I worked as team manager & System analyst
Arabization ATARI home computer
Developing 20 educational programs (EPROM) for ATARI home computer.
Arabization Methaly MSX home computer.
Built-in Programs for Methaly MSX home computer.
Developing 40 educational programs (EPROM) for MSX home computer.
Accounting and Stock Control system for WASAN company - Jordan Complete financial system - Backage
Complete Pharmacy System.
Complete Medical Lab. System.
Designing, Developing, Manufacturing a full computerize advertising Indoor 0- Outdoor panels.
Design And developing group of control units for Jordan TV.
Developing Varies of application system.
Developing educational MultiMedia Games.
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