Brother's Forever

-Dawn Wilkins

By Blood

And bonded souls;

By the essence

That breathes life,

We, brother's forever.

Paths chosen,

Journey traveled.

Testing our bond,

Threatened to rend asunder.

Through the darkness

Our love held,



This eternal essence.

Then the moment,


When the soul ceases to breathe,

I held your hand

In final plea.

On dawnless day

Into oblivion,

Never to awaken.

My esssence weeps

Tears of mourning.

Descend into immortal slumber.

I, for your love,

Must perserve,

I beg for endless night.

I cannot subsist

Without guidance

Of your hand,

Your everlasting compassion.

Maybe I did,

Upon that day,

Relinguish life

And fused my soul to yours.


One final time,

We commenced our perpetual wandering.

Never again shall we be seperated,

Brother's Forever.


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Email: dawn_wilkins