

"Darkness prevades the worlds. He, born of deception, shall give ascesion to his title. Only the virgin love shalt bring salvation, beared by a blade."

Valiant warrior


Valiant warrior who strives for justice and peace. However, his own virtue may prove his own undoing.

Immaculate creature


Immaculate creature who can dwell in another relam. Failure to shed blood is her only downfall.

Aristocratic sorcerer


Aristocratic sorcerer who heralds inner endurance few credit him with. His destruction lies in his shattered soul.

Prepare yourself as these dynamic, emotional characters pour out their hearts and souls and engage on an epic journey with you--one you'll never know again. And if there is one shard of advice I can give you readers is: open your hearts and your souls to these characters and I can promise you this will be an adventure you will utterly enjoy. Please read on...

Click on the above image to commence your travels.

All material in these following pages(and any connecting) are copyrighted and use of them without written premission will result in severe legal action. All Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger are registered trade marks of Square and I do not take credit. This is merely for entertainment purposes. Thank you.

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Let's scan the Fanfic.
Back to the rpg realm, friends!
Headquarters, please!

Email: dawn_wilkins