
*This page is under copy right and so is the poem. It was produced not by me but by my associate. I give full credit to Jon DesJardin . Do not infringe.

They call him a savior,
But he will not cater
To their ignorant vision.
In all of the confusion,
They have forgotten what he did.
Although his acts at the end were candid,
He still can not forgiven himself
For what had happened before.

Now he leads a new quest,
Quickly leaving the west,
Where his boyhood friends were,
To vehemently spur,
His sorrowful sins
And seek ultimate redemption.

Once he was a Dragoon full of fame,
But now is lost in the depths of shame.
He painstakingly tries to clear his name,
With his almighty spear
Unsheathed at his side.
Completely void of fear
And full of strength and pride,
He will jump blindly into any battle that is near,
And will strike at his opponents with stride,
Cold-heartedly ignoring any death cries he may hear.
And as the wicked leader of the battle gets fried,
His eyes swell up and he sheds a single tear,
Wondering if these acts of kindness will abide.

Only one thing is known for sure,
He will not give in to pressure.
When the time is right,
He will find his own way
To redemption and become one with the light,
And then happily return someday,
Upon ending his plight,
To the magnificent kingdom of Baron.


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Email: dawn_wilkins