Rpg Heaven

Reviews/Previews-- Main Door FanFic--Generations - Tragedy I, Magus
Poems/Shrines--Magus - Kain - Magus Shrine Links/Tips-- Link1 - Link2 -

Working on a Sephiroth and Alucard shrine. Any suggestions please just forward.

A new story for Magus is coming out. Check out the fanfic table for the introduction!

As well, a new fic for Sephiroth is coming out "The Story of Sephiroth" soon. Watch out for it!

I have an affiliate!

In this page, the Video Game page, I will explore some aspects of the Rpg world of entertainment (playstation and computer only). So come along for the ride. You might just learn something.

Check out the New chapter in Square Soft: Generations! Chapter 8! Into the fire you realize...into the fire you seek my knowledge

Poll is currently unavailable. Please come back at a later date. I am now starting a poll to see what your favorite character/villan is in any one of the games above. I will not except any that comes from any other source but the ones above. So, have fun!

This Final Fantasy VII site is owned by "Dawn Wilkins". Join the Webring CLICK HERE.

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Mail me at dawn_wilkins@hotmail.com