Wilkins' Writing World

Trial by Fire

Writing:the fantasy literature dimension Rpgs:the fantasy videogame dimension
Disclaimer:legal crap, please read Me info: My Bio! - page about me
Miscell: Owen Tribute - Tools (webrings, etc.) New stuff: I, Magus introduction - Chapter 8!


I have returned!

More news!

07/06/03 Well, now, it's been some time since I've written, eh? Well, I intend to make some major changes to the website. Not sure what'll stay, go and be added but keep tuned for the next few months as I implement these changes. *smiles* Also, the guestbook is not working at the moment, but will be restored soon.

Welcome. Above is the updates and the menu. Below is some basic elements. Visit often. You can view some of my work at this page . Just look down further for info on how you could receive my awesome award for your page. It's below. Another Chapter for my series Square Generations will be up soon! And don't hesistate to give me your thoughts on that and anything else.

My name is Dawn Wilkins and if you want any info on the webmaster behind the scenes just visit my personal page. It's been updated! Send me mail! I love mail! This is the world's greatest homepage. My homepage! Just kidding! But I will be making an effort to make you think so. This is only the beginning of this page. I will continue to alter this page with time or news about my topics.

Signficant Items...

  1. Win my award! My personal award Just send me the Url of the homepage along with webmasters name and email. I will examine the page and see if it's worth the stamp. Then I'll email you the script. Thanks.

  2. For those you interesting in getting a regular update by me here's my message manager:

    Join our mailing list!
    Enter your email address below,
    then click the 'Join List' button:
    Powered by ListBot
  3. I now have a guest book up! Be sure to use it.

    Travellers record your journey! Thank you.
  4. Just copy this image and insert the url or copy the html The Logo
  5. *Don't forget to mail me. My hotmail is dawn_wilkins@hotmail.com And you may also contact me at dwilkins@angelfire.com

    Mail me at dawn_wilkins@hotmail.com
    Or mail me at dwilkins@angelfire.com

    This page was started in the winter of '98. All things hereby are trademarked Wilkins'© and thus, can't be used without premission. Exceptions are Squaresoft, Dragonlance, and Sword of Truth which I use for entertainment only, not payment. Check out the Disclaimer for additional details. Thank you.