People Saying Nice Things
about My Page
I have Received a lot of mail
that compliment my web page. I have selected some of them randomly.
HelloI'm RAMY this message regarding you
site.It's a very nice site Becuse It contains the classic ofthe past, But
you have to keep Updating the site.Realy i wish a ver good luck in your
site & your study Very good luck.yours,
Hi Samirah:
I don´t know for sure if you are gonna have
time to read this mail, but
If you have, there is something about faith that
I just like.
My name is ............, I´m from Santa Cruz-Bolivia,
I´m 24 and I
would like to be your friend.
PS/ We speak spanish here: Tienes los ojos mas bellos
que he visto
I would like to congratulate you on the wonderful
site of yours. I found
it both organized and useful. Most importantly, I
found you even more
stunning <just a compliment>. I would like to
wish you a prosperous
future in your career. Finally, should you ever come
to ..............., please
let me be your host.
Hello there ,
This was my first visit to your site Iam so impressed.
wish you the best.
Iam ...............................................................
I was wondering
weatherI can add you to my site ( your site URL that
is ).
Of course you can.....Samirah
:Hello Samirah,
I just happened to visit your site, and I think did
doing a wonderful job. A
visit to your site reminds me of a lot of things
I miss very much like Arabic
poetry which I love and Moroccan history ect.. I
also like the fact that you
have Nizar's poems. As a matter of fact, Nizar
is my best contemporary
poet and Al Moutanabi is another poet I was fascinated
with. Had I stayed
in Morocco, I know for a fact, I would have been
a poet. Anyways, You
might be wondering: who the heck is this guy?
Well! Let us start with the
first one. ...............................................................
Somehow I stumbled upon your site, I really can't
remember how... hehe! You know how it is when one go surfing! But anyway
it was a delight to pay you a visit. I specially enjoyed your personal
descriptions, which tells of a very kind and sweet person (I hope!) in
fact I am sure...
And oh! Before I forget I like to wish your dear
Mom the best, surely Mothers are the best creatures amongst us humans.
I will pay another visit to your site when I finish
this semester (Full time school & Full time job aren't easy, Oh Boy!).
But again before I get so boring here, I say to you that it was an enjoyable
Salaam and many hugs,
Let me first congratulate you on your wonderful web
site, I like it very much and also I admire your character and many things
on your home page, especially the Islamic part, well done and keep going.
By the way just for your information, I am ..................
working in UN in Lagos/Nigeria at the moment.
I do not know if I can keep in touch with you through
the e-mail, is it o.k. with you?
"K. R"
hi bewitching babe!I hope NOT to be mistaken for
a creep! But you look really pretty on your web site! I'm really impressed!
Are you sure you're not Miss Morroco!! may be a model ! Who knows!!Well,to
tell you the truth your site is really excellent. I went through it and
was glad that at least one of the charming girls in our Arab world cares
for the latest in hi-tech! To start with, I do not claim to be genius at
computering, to say nothing about the Internet!! I'm still discovering
things. Thanks for the encouragement! Your web site was so excellent that
I belittled myself at the thought of making one for myself!
Salamat Samirah
A little while ago I browsed into your Site, and
I wrote you a very long message, but unfortuantely my browser crashed and
here i am at it again!!!
I will keep this one very short..........first of
all i don't know you yet but I hope that everything will be Fine.....back
home and here for you and your family. Say 'AMEEN'
I hope that you will count me as a brother and ask
me if there is anything i could do from where i am in London
hi Samira
I came through your web page while I was browsing
the internet.
I was really impressed by your web page and the effort
you did in it, but
what impressed me more is your thoughts and knowledge
of arabic poet and
litreature. I wanted to thank you a lot for
the part about islam in your
web page. I made use of it in inviting some
of my friends here to Islam
and it made a great effect on them.
Salut Samirah,
I voted for your real nice home page. Anyway I would
have voted blindly
. Je suis Libanais , et j'ai vécu au Maroc
à Rabat précisement entre
1984 et 1987 oú je poursuivais mes études.
I am really proud of ur page , and how Moroccan ,
all over the wolrd are
still reflecting the arabic , and islamic value
of their country . and
most of it they are proud of it .
All the best , and hope that the incident that
forced you to go back to
Morocco is a minor one .
I was really admired your site and just if you let
me to express my feeling
about the great work that you did. It is of a great
pleasure to go around
your site.
Any how I am really glad to know you through your
web site and I ask ALLAH
for you to go over your problem soon back at home.
I wish to hear from you soon. Good luck.
Hi Sameerah
welcome back and i hope your mother is out of
is morroco?
the new coloers is excellent and your page cont.
to be brettier and brettier
Hi Samirah
Beside that you are so beautiful. I’m amazed with
your capability, I saw
your site tow days ago and since that it changed
three time ..! that’s
really wonderful site and its deserve to be in the
top ten best Arabic
personal home pages.
So tell from you got your expertise in web development?
I see you said the you leave in US .. but where exactly
which state and
Are you studying or working? .. and in case that
you are studying ..
what major? . what level ?
I really like you site .. I use to give my
friends my site to check it
out but with your case I ashamed to give you my site
URL .. it nothing
comparing with your site.
However that gave me motive to go and enhance it
, specially this is my
major ..
I am waiting to see the new
version of your site....Samirah
I liked your site very much
(allthough the way it was presented to me was completely unfurgiveable
:o) )
best wishes from iceland
keep up the good work
"Bjarki Tyr"
Listen Samirah i took a look to your web sit and
it was great i want
you to keep doing great things like what i saw
hi dear samirah. this is ............... i am a
student from .......... in
................ i checked your pretty home page
and i was surprised
that it wasn't ranked number one on the best 100
arabic sites. youe
homepage gave me a sense of the great work and effort
you put on it. i
was amazed by the stuff i found there, especially
the articles by jaafar
abbas. i realy salute you for your website. i am
sure that so many
pepole are jelouse of it. i would like to also thank
you hfor making
your biggest wish is to visit Makkkah and Madina.
you didn't care about
being in america and you still kept your arabic and
islamic identity.