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Works Cited

Encarta 98. Computer software. Microsoft, 1998. CD-ROM.

Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization. “Dr. Jack Kevorkian.” Online. Internet. 25 Oct. 1996. Final

Fletcher, Joseph. “The Case for Euthanasia.” Problems of Death. Ed. David L. Bender. St. Paul: Greenhaven Press, 1981. 37-45.

Harris, Curtis. “Withholding Food and Fluids: What Happens.” Life Cycle. April 1991: 4.

Henrickson, John and Thomas Martin. “Euthanasia Should Not Be Permitted.” Problems of Death. Ed. David L. Bender. St. Paul: Greenhaven Press, 1981. 23-26.

Horkan, Thomas. “Legislation That Complicates Dying.” Eds. Gary McCuen and Therese Boucher. Hudson: Gary McCuen Publications, 1985. 69-72.

Humphry, Derek. Dying With Dignity. New York: Birch Lane, 1992.

Pahl, Stewart. “I Favor Merciful Termination of Life.” Problems of Death. Ed. David L. Bender. St. Paul: Greenhaven Press, 1981. 18-22.

Voluntary Euthanasia Society. Online. Internet. 14 Jan. 1999.

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