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The Dog House

Alright, man's best friend deserves his own website, right? Well, you would think so... at least, I do, so I made one.

While I'm at it, I think its only fair to give props to my local Humane Society. This place deserves it, with its unique youth group to get the community involved, "Doo Drop Inn", volunteer program, Doggie Walks, Adopt-A-Pet, Pet Portraits, golf contest, can pick-up, and other events. For more information please contact me at:

Dogs and Light Bulbs

These are the answers from dogs when asked "How many dogs does it take to put in a light bulb?"

Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned-out light bulb?

Border Collie: Just one. And I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.

Dachshund: I can't reach the stupid lamp!

Toy Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

Rottweiler: Make me.

Shi-tzu: Puh-leeze, dah-ling. Let the servants.

Lab: Oh, me, me!!! Pleeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Can I?

Malamute: Let the Border collie do it. You can feed me while he's busy.

Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

Doberman Pinscher: While it's dark, I'm going to sleep on the couch.

Mastiff: Mastiffs are NOT afraid of the dark.


Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb.

Irish Wolfhound: Can somebody else do it? I've got a hangover.

Pointer: I see it, there it is, there it is, there it is right there........

Greyhound: It isn't moving. Who cares?

Australian Shepherd: Put all the light bulbs in a little circle...

Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? Light bulb? That thing I just ate was a light bulb?

Pomeranian: Dogs do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs, I am not one of them, so the question is: how long will it be before I can expect light?

~Top 3 Dogs, Rated in Intelligence~

1. Toy Poodle

2. Border Collie

3. Golden Retriever

Cairn Terriers

A couple pics of one of the lesser known breeds. These guys are neat little dogs. I first researched them after thinking my dog may be a mix of one. Their names come from the "cairns" (piles of rocks) they'd dig into to catch rodents back in the day. A short, stocky, athletic breed, these guys have one heck of a personality.






