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Retracing Childhood

Are you an 80's kid? If you can remember more than half of this stuff, you probably are!

1. Care Bears- I had the stuffed animals, I had the figures, I had the movies.....

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- my brothers had tons of this stuff!

3. My Little Pony- Man, I had tons of these things and the movies

4. Different Strokes- "What you talking 'bout Willis?"

5. Today's Special- You know, the show on Nickelodeon where the mannequin named Jeff in the department store came to life every night?

6. Punky Bruster- 'nuff said

7. Paint splattered denim and crimped hair- Oh Good Lord

8. Strawberry Shortcake

9. Atari-hey it was high-tech stuff!

10. E.T.

11. Cabbage Patch Kids- they were big!

12. The Popples- you know, little animals that could turn into balls....

13. The Wuzzles- who knows?

14. Fraggle Rock!- these guys had all kinds of stuff going on under the ground

15. Purr-tenders- little cats that would wear masks and pretend to be other animals...

16. He-Man- my brothers had these too!

17. Picture Pages- remember? Bill Cosby used to do this show!

18. Rainbow Brite

~Well, I'm out of ideas for the moment. If you can remember anything else, E-mail me~

The idea for this page, came from Meg from Meg's Place...check it out if you have the time