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Its my page so I figured I'd do this kinda thing for you.

On you....

Name: Jennifer Erin

Height: About five foot seven.

Hair color: blonde

Eye Colour- Blue, blue/gray

Siblings? Yes, an older brother (finally 21), a twin brother (8 min. younger!), and a sister (getting married!!).

Do they look like you? Yeah, in a way. We have the same kind of features.

righty or lefty? Right handed! But there isn't anything wrong w/ you southpaws! ;)

Hobbies: Sports, art, listening to COUNTRY music! Hanging out w/ my family, my friends and Ry!

What's your sign? Libra (The scales because I am so "in-balance").

Favorite sport to watch: Volleyball (in Jensen Gym), basketball (in Jensen and at Alexis!), and softball(anywhere!).

On Friends...

Friend(s) that looks most like you? Ginger Jaylene

Friend(s) you go to for advice? Stacers, Ryan, Amy

Friend(s) you have the most fun with? all of them

Friend(s) you tell your secrets to? Sneakers, he'll never tell.

On guys...

Boxers or briefs? Its up to them, but boxers if I had to choose.

Dark or blonde? either, but we'll go dark

Tall or short? Taller than me!

Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? Is it too much to ask for both?

Dark or light eyes? Either, but we'll go with dark.

Hat or no hat? I like hats!

Ears pierced or no? It's ok for them if they can do it.

Tan or fair? Hey, I am not the one to discriminate against pale people.

Stubble or neatly shaved? shaved

rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? both

All American, homey G, or grunge? All American

More on You.....

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? chocolate milk

McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's for old times' sake w/ Megsy!

Coke or Pepsi? Cherry coke OR pepsi

Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper

Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? Both, gotta be able to talk about anything and everything but love each other too.

Sweet or sour? Heck, Ryan, we all know I don't care much for junk food...

Tea or coffee? Cappucino?

Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Supertroopers is a comedy... ;)

Cats or dogs? Oh, canines all the way.

Ocean or pool? snorkeling is better in the ocean, but pools are great too.

Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Cooler Ranch

With or without ice-cubes? With!

Milk/Dark/White chocolate? Milk

Shine or rain? Shine

Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Summer-no contest!

Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate

Skiing or boarding? Boarding Biking or blading? Biking

Cake or cookies? Cookies

Cereal or toast? cereal


Night or day? It all depends

Gloves or mittens? Gloves

Dressed or undressed? dressed thanks!

Eyes open or closed? Open, don't wanna bump into stuff

Fly or breath under water? Fly

Bunk bed or waterbed? waterbed

Chewing gum or hard candy? gum

Motor boat or sailboat? motor, need the speed

Lights on or off? Depends!

What's your favorite....

Color? grey/silver/black of course! ;) Oh wait, blue and gold?

Number? 7

Drink? milk

Animal? Dogs! Goldens, German mutt...=]

Holiday? Christmas

Quote? Baby, you rocked me... -Foster from Supertroopers

Sound? Ball hitting the bat in softball

Band? Emerson Drive, SORRY RYAN!

Book? don't read much but Pet Semetary, or It

Movie? Need I answer that?

TV show? The Simpsons, Who's Line is it Anyway?

Radio station? FM 95!

Place? Knoxville IL on the softball diamond, in Alexis on Sundays.

Flower? Cosmos, lilacs

Scent? guys cologne, cut grass, my Peach Lipsmackers...

Food? Waffles/pancakes

Shape? trigonal bipyramidal... (Yay for VSPER Theory!)

Texture? my softball glove

In the future...

What's your house gonna look like? I don't know, I haven't bought it yet! ;)

Where are you gonna live? Somewhere semi-Rural

How many kids? ??

Names? Depends on the husband and all that jazz.

Gonna keep your last name? I'd like to but I doubt it.

Animals? dogs, and 2 white tigers, of course.

College? St. Louis College of Pharmacy

What are you gonna do? Study like mad.

On relationships...

What does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like: Tall, brown-ish hair, deep brown eyes, athletic (perhaps a basketball player/ hunter/fisher?).

Do you like to call or be called? be called

Make plans or go along w/ them? Make them as long as everyone agrees.

Make the moves or wait? Make the move.

Ever been in love? Yes!

What is love? When that person leaves and you count down the days until he/she is going to be back. When you know you should date other people but you can't bring yourself to hurt the other person... and you know that nobody else would measure up.

> If you could...

Move anywhere, where would it be? Home.

Buy any car, what would it be? I'd need a little help. I'd want one w/ POWER and that looks darn good.

> Shave one thing into your head, what would it > be? I don't think I'd do that!

Dye your hair one color, what would it be? Blonder

Have a tattoo, where/what would it be? a pawprint on my hip bone

Turn into any animal, what would it be? black panther

Streak in front of someone's house, who's would it be? i couldn't do that!

Meet one person, who would it be? my grandpa or aunt

Live w/ one person for the rest of your life? Ryan

Do anything without any consequences what would it be? speed.

If you could punish someone for something they've done, how would they be punished? I'd want them to realize that I was right and they were being irrational.

Name ONE thing...

You love: Family/friends.

You're embarrassed about: talking about my feelings.

You wish you had done that you didn't: Told more people how much they mean to me.

You wish you hadn't done that you did: gotten caught speeding

You REALLY wanna do: sky dive, scuba dive.

You're gonna do today: I intend to brush my teeth!

You did yesterday: went to a party

You plan on doing tomorrow: sleeping

That's hard for you to do: hold my breath underwater... =]

That annoys you: People thinking they're better than anyone else.

> >>That turns you on: Hey, he knows how to do it, that's all that matters. ;)

That turns you off: conceit

What's the first thing you do when you...

Get up? Hit the snooze button.

Get in the shower? Make the water temperature right!

Get home from school? open my door.

Yea or Nay?>

Female president? Yay

Roller coasters? you bet!

Thunderstorms? yay for me, nay for Sneakers

Food in bed? yeah

High heels? no

Mexican food? you bet, Jaliscos

Bill Clinton? he did good things in addition to the bad

Insects? they're all here for a purpose.


Do you bite your fingernails? not so much my FINGERNAILS...

toenails? not really, no

Twirl your hair? no, usually its up anyways

Relay commercials? sure, "Oh you meant the charger?"

Impersonate? I'd like to, but I'm just not that great at it.

Pick your nose? oh you know

Eat it? no

Chew gum obnoxiously? Don't think so, hope not!

Cheat on tests/homework? No, there's just something good about not being kicked out of school...

Drink/smoke? not usually

How often do you...

Shower? generally every day

Want to change something about someone? when THEY choose gum obnoxiously! ;)

Make your bed? often

Clean your room? every so often

Take a bath? every now and then

Go to the bathroom? when I have to!

Talk/walk in your sleep? It's hard to tell what you're doing when you're sleeping. Amy talks in her sleep often, though!

Hug people? Whenever its appropriate

Tell people you love them? Not often enough

Play w/ your animals/pets? When I go home.

Brush your teeth? 2x a day at least.

What/Who are you...

Afraid of? Being in my car and singing along w/ the radio like a dork and being passed by a bunch of people I know.

Proud of? My friends, family, and accomplishments.

Envious of? All those crazy pharmacists who are OUT of school.

Mad or frustrated with? School.

What is...

Under your bed? Here, just collapsed boxes.

On your nails? some clear polish

On your walls? just random postings.

On your bed? sheets, pillows, my cell phone

On/In your desk? laptop, mouse, bowl, tv, vcr, snes

On your ceiling? Glow in the dark stars and Christmas lights

In your closet? clothes

In your CD/tape player? Phil Vassar "American Child"

Do You....

Have a boyfriend? Yes!

Like to dance? Yes but that doesn't mean i'm any good.

Like to Swing dance? yeah, its a lot of fun

Like to swing? yes

like dogs? yes

like cats? yes

know calligraphy? not really

Draw? Yes

have a website? yeah!