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Maison Juillet


BY Alfredo Juillet Frascara.

Part two.



The German were defeated at Stalingrad and the Allied reconquest North Africa in 1943

Hitler, however, ordered the total mobilization of the economy and tried to rebuild Mussolini's regime in northern Italy after its collapse in July 1943

He also maintained his almost hypnotic power over his entourage and the masses, assisted by Allied air raids against the cities, which rekindled the fighting spirit of the people

Hitler's Days

A group of civilians and officers had been conspiring since 1938 to overthrow Hitler. But Hitler's popularity with the masses, the conspirators' need for complete secrecy, and their recurring doubts about the rightness of their cause handicapped them. Furthermore, they failed to reach an understanding with the Allies




The energy of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg finally brought the plot to a head on July 20, 1944, but his attempt on Hitler's life and the subsequent putsch failed, confirming Hitler's belief in his own invincibility

June 6, 1944 ; the Allies invaded France; later, the Russians broke through in the east, forcing Hitler to move his headquarters to Berlin

He showed increasing signs of physical and mental disintegration, intensified by an illness that had not been properly treated by his physician, a quack doctor, upon whom Hitler had become dependent for injections

With the Allies crossing the Rhine River and the Russians closing in on Berlin, he at last acknowledged defeat and decided to commit suicide; but he wanted Germany to follow suit

Germany, he argued, had proved itself unworthy of his genius and had failed to prevail in the struggle for life




As his personality disintegrated, however, so did the loyalty of his lieutenants. Albert Speer, the minister of armaments and munitions, refused to carry out Hitler's order to institute a scorched-earth policy in Germany; Goering, from his retreat in Bavaria, tried to usurp Hitler's leadership; and Himmler attempted to negotiate with the Allies. Hitler condemned them, but without effect. Only Goebbels, Bormann, and Eva Braun, whom he now married, remained with him. Hitler dictated his political testament and appointed Adm. Doenitz his successor

March 1945

Scientist Forgoden from the Berlin University appears with the plans of the first atomic bomb

Alfonse Forgoden is summoned in front of Hitler at the Berlin headquarters

The Fuehrer asks physical proof of the machine, and Forgoden gaves him five atomic bombs prototypes , one of them was released by a Heinkel 262 over the russian troops

The explosion volatizes the main russian forces outside Berlin

The heat was so extreme that even the Bunker was scorched, but Hitler was already safe, flying with his staff to Magdeburg,where he issued his famous radio speech, anouncing the development of the atomic bombs that he will launch against all Allied forces on German soil and abroad

April 30 1945

With the Russians rapidly dying in the plains of Germany, British Prime Minister Churchill stops General Montgomery ´s troops in Italy

Eisenhower commands General Bradley to occupy France and the Netherlands

Hitler recovered from his illness, as he was attended by three new doctors, and his streght was visible when he addressed the SS troops at Magdeburg, where they were reunited

June 2 1945

The atomic arsennal of atomic weapons increased, some bombs were delivered to Japan, who uses them against American troops in Guadalcanal

July 4 1945

Hitler bombed London and Birmingham, making the island of Great Britain a big graveyard

The American troops are retreating from Asia, and the Japan fleet came close to Hawaii

October 24 1945

Japan airplane bombed New York at 02;00 hours Eastern Time. Millions of people died ignoring they were killed by an atomic bomb builded in Germany and delivered in a Mitsubishi Airplane ,that return to the "Tojo" air carrier half an hour later


Las fuerzas del Eje han estado triunfando en toda la linea, esta semana que recien termina

Los esfuerzos de Rusia , Estados Unidos y la vieja Inglaterra ya no han sido utiles, despues de las derrotas en Guadalcanal, Somme y Nueva York

No obstante, los Aliados prosiguen su lucha suicida en contra del Eje, aunque las ruinas de Nueva York y Chicago penan en la conciencia de la humanidad

Ochenta millones de almas en la primera ciudad, y 92 millones en la segunda, han comenzado a minar la confianza que los sajones tenian en su inexpugnable continente, alejado (creian ellos) de las llanuras europeas por dos oceanos

Japon destruyo la flota del Pacifico que los "gringos" opusieron a su avance , y avanzan hacia las costas americanas

October 28,1945

The Axis forces had been triomphing in all the line, this week that ends to-day

The efforts of the Socialist Union of Sovietic Republics , the Old England and the United States of America had probed effortless, after the defeat in Guadalcanal,Somme and New York

Notwhithstanding that, the Allies keeps on fighting their suicidal fight against the Axis, no matter the ruins of New York and Chicago dangling over their consciences

80000000 souls in New York and 92 millions in the second city , are beguining to mine the confidence the saxons had in their isolated continent, far away ( they were thinking) of the European plains

Ahora que Hitler ha regalado la arma atomica a los japoneses, estos la han estado usando con un exito sin precedentes , ya que se ha sabido que los submarinistas nipones burlaron las defensas acuaticas , plantando en los muelles yanquis dos bombas de 100 kilotones cada una, retirandose a una segura distancia para detonarla

Now that Hitler has given the atomic bomb to the japanese, this same are using it with a unprecedented success , now that is known that the japanese submarin forces defeat the sea defenses , setting in the yankee docks two 100 kilotons bombs , retreating afterwards to a safe distance, in order to detonate them

November 11 1945

El Presidente de Estados Unidos, Harry Truman, desde algun refugio subterraneo en Iowa, ha enviado un mensaje a su pais, repitiendo sus frases de no rendirse jamas ante el enemigo, no importando que armas pudieran estarse utilizando

The U S president, Harry S Truman, from his subterranean bunker in Iowa, delivered a message to his country, repeating his phrases not to surrender in front of the enemy, not caring which weapons could be used against

November 13,1945

Winston S Churchill told to the African forces to keep on struggling against _Erwin Rommel, as that german general are in need of fuel for his tanks, now that the British Navy defeats italian " ring of steel" in the Mediterranean

Winston S Churchill dijo a las fuerzas combatientes en Africa que continuen su lucha contra Erwin Rommel, ya que el general aleman esta corto de combustible para su fuerzade tanques, ahora que la Marina Britanica derroto al " anillo de acero" italiano en el Mediterraneo

The fighting forces are using fire balls and fast vessels that resembles a flying saucer, but both sides deny the ownership , so the world must wait until the end of this war to know who was really the country that builds them

In all cases, the fire balls and flying saucers are just exploratory machines, as until now those new machines are not used to deploy bombs or machine gunned airplanes

Las fuerzas atacantes estan usando bolas de fuego y rapidos navios que semejan discos voladores, pero ambos lados niegan su autoria, asi es que el mundo debera esperar al final de esta guerra, para saber quien era realmente el que los construia

En todo caso, las bolas de fuego y los platillos voladores son solamente navios de exploracion, ya que hasta ahora esas nueva maquinas no estan siendo usadas para arrojar bombas o ametrallar aviones

The italian forces were defeated in Greece, but Hitler sends there his troops, so now the fight has stabilized, presumably in another week Greece Army will began to dwindle, as the Stormtroops are demolishing every village and town in his path, with the Luftwafe ´s aid

Mussolini delivers a patriotic call to his forces, and the people of Rome answeres the call, inscribing by the thousands in the Army Recruiting Offices

Mussolini hizo un discurso patriotico, llamando a inscribirse en las Fuerzas Armadas, y el pueblo de Roma respondio inscribiendose multitudinariamente en las Oficinas de Reclutamiento del Ejercito

December 20, 1945

The German Navy occupied to day the port of San Francisco, where the populace hailed Hitler, who were there in his new red dress, saying the uniforms will be red from then on, remembering all the world the new power Hitler has in his hands: the Nuclear Power

Chile became the lider of South America , as the Nazi Party there is very strong, with Paul Sheaffer ,from Villa Baviera, in the south of that country, as the new Stumbahnfuehrer of Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia

Sheaffer first command has been to create a strong army, using the germans born in Chile as the elite who will follow his orders unheading

They said the man has a taste for childs , but others said that is a falacy

December 25 1945 -

To day was captured Churchill, who were in a plane going to the island of Malta

He is being judged in Nuremberg, together with general Ike Eisenhower and his Secretary, who some people said she is her lover

Goebbels said Churchill will be answearing the world of his crimes, mainly the Concentration camps he had in England for the captured German pilots whose airplanes were damaged in flight over the Islands

Some said Churchill had a Dairy with him, in the minute of his capture, so there they will find more proofs of how he was intending to kill Adolf Hitler with a special command

Ike Eisenhower was shot to death in the early hours of to day, after the trials

He was with the Altzeimer infirmity, and he was denying he was responsible for the killing of General Patton when that officer was killed in Africa following his orders to fight to the last men

December 30, 1945

Hirohito was acclaimed in Berlin to/day, when he was being carried in a car to seee the Fuehrer, who will proclaim him The Fuehrer of the Far East

Also Hirohito will be the guest of honour at the Opera, to night

Stalin was found dead inside a sunken ship, with his head severed from his body

They said he was killed by his coleagues, who were not willing to follow him in a war already losted. All his belongings were carried to the Red Square, for all to see how his leader were living in the luxury ,meanwhile the people were starving to death in the cold




January 21, 1946

Hitler condecorates Von Braun to day, because the scientific has accomplished his saying, namely, the first artificial satellite in orbit, the Vergeltung 5, who is sending to Earth the song "Eva Braun" each five minutes

Von Braun said to the Fuehrer he can send a man to the Moon in two years elapsed

Hitler laugh at that, saying he will be studying the practical sides of that proposition

February 03 , 1946

The EBES had been brought to Hitler in the afternoon , they are pitiful specimens ; 1,20 meters high, with slant black eyes that are easily tampered with sun rays

They have not the gift of speech, and they communicate telepatically, but with some difficulty, as they have lots of nouns melted with images

They are the enemy now, said Hitler, and he is gaving full power to Von Braun, to rise a Star Wars program, that will end with the superiority of the Greys in Earth skies

Also the ship captured with the EBES it s being studied, but we are being told beforehand there will be not of use , as the Greys commands their ships mentally, and Man has no way to drive such a device, at least not with the present times technology

March 01, 1946

Adolf Hitler proclaims the United States of Earth, (U S E ) with Berlin as its capital

He anounced that with scientist Von Braun and the National Air Space Agency, NASA, they are going to erase all EBE´s flying discs from Terrestrial atmosphere, using the same engines found in the captured flying disc landed in Karlsruhe

November 3, 1946

The first manned satellite was launched at Lubeck, Germany, and the pilots are Karl Deutelmoser and Peter Dragicevic, completing 34 orbits before re entering the atmosphere

November 23, 1946

The 76th Squadron of the USE Air Force, named the Star Hammers, beguin building a big artificial satellite in Earth orbit, where the future flights to the inner planets will be launched

December 1, 1946

Adolf Hitler died to day at 01:00 hours, at his home in Berchtesgaden

He was suffering from cancer since 1933, and the struggle to attain the universal peace, under the United Nations of Earth mined his strenght in the last months

December 2, 1946

Churchill, Eden and the rest of the Allied Command were probed guilt of high treason to mankind to day, and they will be shot at 06:00 hours to-morrow december 3 - 1946

December 12,1946

Elections are being held in all major cities of the world, to elect the new Prime Minister of U S E


(Extracted From "U S E History ", volume 1 )


Donations to Alfredo Juillet Frascara, Santos Dumont 730, Santiago, Chile - February 13, 1998.


