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Daily Journal

I'm going to add a daily journal to update daily about whats been happening in my life. At times my life isn't too exciting but I'll fill in what I can.

October 29, 1999

Well lets start this off with friday. My day was average as usual, I went to the football game Fri. night and enjoyed a great game where the Willis Wildkats beat the Magnolia Bulldogs 28-14 so we still have a shot at the play-offs. So Go 'Kats!

Friday night was also Senior Parents nights. That was a very cool time for me despite the fact I don't get along to well with either of my parents. I invited a very special person and friend to walk with me that night. She's not my "parent" per se but a kid can wish, eh! Let's just say its defienantly one night I'll always remember. It was awesome!

Today (Sat.) I went and worked with my aunt from 8-2. Then after that I went to the movies and watched Music of The Heart, which is really an awesome movie. Now, I'm babysitting my little cousin until tomorrow. He's 3 and quite active, expect right now because he's asleep :)

Please feel free to check back often as I will be updating this everyday.


November 1, 1999

Today started off fairly average for me that was until I got to my lovin math class. I found out that I had failed the class and well that just ruined the rest of my day. So it was kind of depressing. I've been contemplating whether or not to audit the class...and I finally decided that I'm going to stay in and just work a little bit harder. After all God's giving me this challenge for a reason, eh.

Well thats a day in the life of me. I'll end this now since I have math, Economics and Networking HW.


November 3, 1999

Well the past few days has been a bit depressing but well what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, eh! My classes are going great with the exception of Math, which is no surprise to anyone. Just to let everyone who is reading this know I am now excepting prayers for me, math class and the teacher. I think we all need it. :)

Other than that everything is going pretty well for me. PLayed golf yesterday and that was fun, relaxing and unstressful. The first thing I did in the past few days that wasn't stressful in someway. Aren't I to young to have stress in my life? Hmm..?? Oh well, I suppose I'll end this as nothing more interesting is happening in my life.


November 23, 1999

As you can see its been quite awhile since I've updated this page. Since we have 5 days off from school for the Thanksgiving holiday I'll have plenty of time to work on this wonderful creation I call my webpage. So just keep checking back often.

My thanksgiving is going to be fun I'm going to Texas A&M University for the Prayer vigil at the Polo Fields(Bonfire site), then at 8PM I'll be at Yell Practice at Kyle Field, then after Yell Practice they are having a Pre-game party at the Aggie Student Center. So that should be pretty cool.

Other than that I'll be staying at home very, very bored doing absolutely nothing. So Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

September 4, 2000

I'm sorry I haven't updated this section in so long but I've just been to busy to do much of anything. My summer went great I took a few vacations but nothing to really brag about. School has started and I'm having a great time! College is alot better then I thought it would be..:) I am also volunteering at Texas Childrens Hospital and that's been a very special time for me. I've met alot of great doctors and nurses. For now I'll end this and i will try and update it as much as time will allow. Peace out!

I'll add more later when more things happen.


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